Tag: r
Install R
Instruction for the installation of R (in Dutch)
Tutorial Bayesian statistics with brms
This tutorial starts with a theoretical overview of bayesian statistics and the MCMC algorithm. Next, we fit, check, and analyse Bayesian models with …
Software by INBO: packages for environmentalists and ecologists!
Using WFS services in R
How to use WFS (vectors/features) GIS services within R scripts
Get species checklist data from GBIF with rgbif
How to use rgbif function `name_usage()` to get species checklist data from GBIF as well as some other rgbif tips.
rgbif: Multiple values
📦 R package vignette.
Using WMS services in R
How to use WMS (raster) GIS services within R scripts
checklist: Setting up the integration between GitHub, Zenodo and ORCID
📦 R package vignette.
frictionless: Introduction to frictionless
📦 R package vignette.
rgbif: Citing GBIF mediated data
📦 R package vignette.
rgbif: Downloading occurrence data from GBIF
📦 R package vignette.
rgbif: Downloading species lists from GBIF
📦 R package vignette.
rgbif: Set up your GBIF username and password
📦 R package vignette.
rgbif: Working with taxonomic names
📦 R package vignette.
wateRinfo: Introduction to downloading time series data from waterinfo.be
📦 R package vignette.
etn: Explore acoustic telemetry data
📦 R package vignette.
Coordinate operations and maps in R
This tutorial shows how to do coordinate transformations and conversions in R. It also demonstrates how spatial data can be mapped with ggplot2 and …
Goodbye PROJ.4! How to specify a coordinate reference system in R?
Current good practice in specifying a CRS in R
Updating the renv environment of an R project
Updating R and packages in an renv environment
n2khab: Working with geospatial data sources of habitat (sub)types and RIBs
📦 R package vignette.
checklist: Philosophy of the checklist package
📦 R package vignette.
checklist: Setting up checklist
📦 R package vignette.
Statistics courses @ INBO!
Links to course material of statistics courses taught at INBO (only accessible for INBO employees)
watina: Getting started with watina: connecting and selecting locations
📦 R package vignette.
gwloggeR: Air pressure
📦 R package vignette.
gwloggeR: Air pressure: drift
📦 R package vignette.
gwloggeR: Hydrostatic pressure
📦 R package vignette.
gwloggeR: Introduction to gwloggeR
📦 R package vignette.
Tutorial setup_codingclub_session()
Tutorial on how to use setup_codingclub_session() to load data and scripts to use during coding clubs.
Read data from Google sheets
Extracting data directly from Google spreadsheets
How to use open raster file formats in R: GeoTIFF & GeoPackage
A simple tutorial to demonstrate the use of GeoTIFF and *.gpkg files in R
Transforming spatial objects
Changing between coordinate reference systems with the R package sp
inbodb: How to retrieve data from the INBOVEG database
📦 R package vignette.
'Zoom in' on `ggplot2` figures
Learn the difference between zooming in with scales and coordinates.
Mixed model formulation of a paired t-test
Learn some insights about mixed models based on a simple example
Same variable in fixed and random effects
Learn what the effect is of having the same variable in the fixed and random part of a mixed model.
Spatially correlated random effects with INLA
A quick and dirty illustration of how spatially correlated random effects can be fit with INLA
Various ways in which zero-inflation can be detected and handled.
effectclass: Standardised classification of effects based on their uncertainty
📦 R package vignette.
n2khab: Demonstrating package & data setup and handling of sf objects: a case with read_soilmap()
📦 R package vignette.
How to use open vector file formats in R: GeoPackage & GeoJSON
A simple tutorial to demonstrate the use of *.gpkg and *.geojson files in R
Meet some popular open geospatial standards!
A short introduction to the powerful GeoPackage, GeoJSON and GeoTIFF standards
Classification and visualisation of estimates and their uncertainty
Slides of a workshop around uncertainty
effectclass: Visualising effects
📦 R package vignette.
watina: Using hydrochemical data to characterize and select locations
📦 R package vignette.
watina: Using XG3 values to characterize and select locations
📦 R package vignette.
Match scientific names with the GBIF Backbone Taxonomy
How to use inborutils function gbif_species_name_match() to match a list of scientific names against the GBIF backbone taxonomy.
n2khab: Where to store the N2KHAB input data sources
📦 R package vignette.
inborutils: GBIF scientific name matching
📦 R package vignette.
How to make spatial joins (point in polygon)?
Various ways to make a spatial join between GIS point data and polygon data
Applying the INBO corporate identity to bookdown documents
Slides, code and data used during the INBOmd workshop
n2khab: Using the GRTS data sources
📦 R package vignette.
bioRad: Introduction to bioRad
📦 R package vignette.
n2khab: Reference lists and using them
📦 R package vignette.
R voor beginners
Handleiding, code en data ter ondersteuning van de 'R voor beginners' workshop
INLA workshops
Slides, code and data used during the INLA workshop
inlatools: Checking the distribution and dispersion of a model
📦 R package vignette.
inlatools: Getting a grasp on the random walk hyperparameter
📦 R package vignette.
inlatools: Setting a prior for the random intercept variance and fixed effects
📦 R package vignette.
inborutils: (Down)load data from external partners
📦 R package vignette.
INBOmd: Introduction to INBOmd
📦 R package vignette.
Headers and navigation in R code
Provide structure inside an R script using sections
Let's create an interactive map!
Creating interactive maps with leaflet
Using `%>%` pipes in R
Using the %>% pipe functionality in R scripts
How to set up continuous integration for a package with Wercker
Data wrangling with tidyverse
Some introductionary information about tidyverse
inborutils: Check coordinate system
📦 R package vignette.
wateRinfo: Define the date period to download
📦 R package vignette.
wateRinfo: Download time series from multiple stations/variables
📦 R package vignette.
Styleguide R code
This style guide is a recommendation for all R code written for the Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO). The goal of this style guide is …
Rstudio installation
How to set-up RStudio after installation or after an upgrade (in Dutch)
R language installation
The installation of R programming language (in Dutch)
RStudio Desktop installation
Installation instructions for RStudio Desktop (in Dutch). RStudio is an integrated development environment (IDE) for R. It includes a console, …
Rtools installation
Installation instructions for Rtools (in Dutch). Rtools is a collection of resources for building packages for R under Microsoft Windows.
Code coverage
Setting up code coverage
Reading large data files in R
Handling large text files in R
Read data from INBO databases (SQL Server) with R
Database access using R