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Mixed model formulation of a paired t-test

Learn some insights about mixed models based on a simple example

What you will learn

In this tutorial we explain the analogy between the paired t-test and the corresponding mixed model formulation.

Used packages



  • plot: identifies paired measurements
  • response: measurement values
  • treatment: identifies two treatments (a and b)

paired_data <- data.frame(
  plot = rep(1:10, 2),
  response = c(rnorm(10), rnorm(10, 3, 1.5)),
  treatment = rep(c("a", "b"), each = 10)

paired_data$treatment <- as.factor(paired_data$treatment)
paired_data$plot <- as.factor(paired_data$plot)

# in wide format
paired_data_wide <- pivot_wider(
  id_cols = plot,
  names_from = treatment,
  values_from = response
plot response treatment
1 -1.3850706 a
2 0.0383232 a
3 -0.7630302 a
4 0.2123061 a
5 1.4255380 a
6 0.7444798 a
7 0.7002294 a
8 -0.2293546 a
9 0.1970939 a
10 1.2071538 a
1 3.4775051 b
2 0.8643017 b
3 2.3923637 b
4 4.4930798 b
5 4.4382267 b
6 4.3771318 b
7 2.7735456 b
8 1.1653968 b
9 1.6967636 b
10 1.4362720 b
plot a b
1 -1.3850706 3.4775051
2 0.0383232 0.8643017
3 -0.7630302 2.3923637
4 0.2123061 4.4930798
5 1.4255380 4.4382267
6 0.7444798 4.3771318
7 0.7002294 2.7735456
8 -0.2293546 1.1653968
9 0.1970939 1.6967636
10 1.2071538 1.4362720

The paired t-test

ttest <- with(
  t.test(y = a, x = b, paired = TRUE)
estimate statistic p.value parameter conf.low conf.high method alternative
2.496692 5.157401 0.0005972 9 1.401584 3.591799 Paired t-test two.sided

Alternative, but equivalent formulation via a lineair mixed model

Plot identifies the paired measurements. A random effect for plot allows us to take this dependence into account.

mm <- lmer(response ~ treatment + (1 | plot),
  data = paired_data

The parameter estimates for treatment b gives the difference compared to treatment a (= intercept), accounting for the paired nature of the data. This difference is the same as the estimate for the paired t-test.

term estimate std.error statistic group
(Intercept) 0.2147669 0.3711260 0.578690 fixed
treatmentb 2.4966918 0.4840988 5.157401 fixed
sd_(Intercept).plot 0.4534165 NA NA plot
sd_Observation.Residual 1.0824778 NA NA Residual

The anova output gives us a test for treatment in terms of an F-test. The t-test is based on the t-statistic. Both test statistics are related: (F = t^2).

npar Sum Sq Mean Sq F value
treatment 1 31.16735 31.16735 26.59879
anova(mm)[["F value"]]
## [1] 26.59879
## [1] 26.59879

We can calculate the confidence interval given as part of the t-test output, based on the t-distributie.

difference <- data.frame(
  diff = summary(mm)$coefficients[2, 1],
  se = summary(mm)$coefficients[2, 2]

difference$lwr <- difference$diff - qt(p = 1 - 0.05 / 2, df = 9) * difference$se
difference$upr <- difference$diff + qt(p = 1 - 0.05 / 2, df = 9) * difference$se
diff se lwr upr
2.496692 0.4840988 1.401584 3.591799

The recommended procedure to calculate a confidence interval for parameters of mixed models is, however, to use the `confint function. Either an approximation (Wald statistic) or a profile likelihood confidence interval can be calculated. These intervals are slightly different from the t-distribution based confidence interval.

Via profile likelihood:

kable(confint(mm, parm = "treatmentb", method = "profile"))
## Computing profile confidence intervals ...
2.5 % 97.5 %
treatmentb 1.505743 3.487635

Wald-type confidence interval:

kable(confint(mm, parm = "treatmentb", method = "Wald"))
2.5 % 97.5 %
treatmentb 1.547876 3.445508

Were model assuptions met? Yes.


Take home message

The standard paired t-test is typically used to test for a significant differences between two paired treatments. We can formulate the test in terms of a mixed model. The benefit is that we get more informative model output, which allows us among other things to check if model assumptions were met. For the paired t-test, one assumption is that the paired differences between treatments follow a normal distribution. When these assumptions are not met, the flexibility of the mixed model framework allows to improve the model to better fit the requirements for the data at hand. For instance, one can choose from a number of parametric statistical distributions that are likely to fit the data (for counts, the Poisson or negative binomial distribution can be chosen, and for binary or proportional data, a binomial distribution is an obvious choice).