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INLA workshops

Slides, code and data used during the INLA workshop

These workshops are a follow-up of the course on “Spatial, temporal and spatial-temporal models using R-INLA” by Alain Zuur and Elena Ieno (Highland Statistics Ltd.). The main goal is the get people using R-INLA with their own data in a workshop setting so they can tap into the knowledge of others. The workshops are not a copy of the Highstat course but elaborate certain topics. We also introduce the inlatools and inlabru.

HackMD, a place to share your code related to these workshops.

Workshop 1

Fitting models with only fixed effects, random intercepts and first order random walk.

Workshop 2

inlabru versus INLA for fixed effects, random intercepts and random walks.

Workshop 3

Fitting models with spatial correlation
