Source code for niche_vlaanderen.niche

import warnings
import inspect
import json
from packaging.version import parse
from urllib.request import urlopen, URLError
import logging
import os.path
import numbers
import yaml
import datetime
import sys

import numpy as np
import as ma
import pandas as pd
import rasterio
import rasterstats
from tqdm import tqdm

from niche_vlaanderen.vegetation import Vegetation, VegSuitable
from niche_vlaanderen.acidity import Acidity
from niche_vlaanderen.nutrient_level import NutrientLevel
from niche_vlaanderen.spatial_context import SpatialContext
from niche_vlaanderen.version import __version__
from niche_vlaanderen.flooding import Flooding
from niche_vlaanderen.exception import NicheException
from niche_vlaanderen.codetables import package_resource

_allowed_input = {

_minimal_input = {"mlw", "mhw", "soil_code"}

_input_nutrient_level = {

_input_acidity = {

_abiotic_keys = {"nutrient_level", "acidity"}

_code_tables = {

_code_tables_fp = {"duration", "frequency", "lnk_potential", "potential"}

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class Niche(object): """Creates a new Niche object A niche object can be used to predict vegetation types according to the NICHE Vlaanderen model. The default codetables are used unless other tables are supplied to the constructor. Parameters: ct_* lnk_*: path Optionally, paths to codetables can be provided. These will override the standard codetables used by Niche. """ def __init__( self, ct_acidity=None, ct_soil_mlw_class=None, ct_soil_codes=None, lnk_acidity=None, ct_seepage=None, ct_vegetation=None, ct_management=None, ct_nutrient_level=None, ct_mineralisation=None, ): self._inputfiles = dict() self._inputvalues = dict() self._inputarray = dict() self._abiotic = dict() self._code_tables = dict() self._vegetation = dict() self._vegetation_detail = dict() self._deviation = dict() self._options = dict() self._options["name"] = "" self._options["strict_checks"] = True self._files_written = dict() self._log = logging.getLogger("niche_vlaanderen") self._context = None self.occurrence = None self._latest_version = self._check_latest_version() for k in _code_tables: ct = locals()[k] if ct is not None: self._set_ct(k, ct) @property def name(self): return self._options["name"] @name.setter def name(self, name): self._options["name"] = str(name) def __repr__(self): s = "# Niche Vlaanderen version: {}\n".format(__version__) s += self._latest_version + "\n" s += "# Run at: {}\n\n".format( # Also add some versions of the major packages we use - easy for # debugging s += "package_versions:\n" s += " pandas: {}\n".format(pd.__version__) s += " numpy: {}\n".format(np.__version__) s += " rasterio: {}\n".format(rasterio.__version__) s += " gdal: {}\n".format(rasterio.__gdal_version__) s += " python: '{}'\n".format(sys.version) s += "\n" s += "model_options:\n" options = yaml.dump(self._options, default_flow_style=False) s += indent(options, " ") if len(self._code_tables) > 0: s += "\n\n" s += "code_tables:\n" s += indent(yaml.dump(self._code_tables, default_flow_style=False), " ") if self._context is not None: s += "\nmodel_properties:\n" s += " model_extent: " + str(self._context.extent) + "\n" s += "\n" s += "input_layers:\n" input = yaml.dump(self._inputfiles, default_flow_style=False) input += ( yaml.dump(self._inputvalues, default_flow_style=False) if len(self._inputvalues) > 0 else "" ) s += indent(input, " ") if self.vegetation_calculated: s += "# Model run completed" else: s += "# No model run completed." if len(self._files_written) > 0: s += "\nfiles_written:\n" s += indent(yaml.dump(self._files_written, default_flow_style=False), " ") return s def _check_latest_version(self): url = "" try: response = urlopen(url, timeout=5) json_response = json.loads("utf-8")) releases = json_response["releases"] versions = sorted(releases, key=parse, reverse=True) # remove alpha, beta, rc versions dev = ["rc", "a", "b"] indev = lambda a: any(devstring in a for devstring in dev) versions = [v for v in versions if not indev(v)] last = versions[0] if last == __version__: s = "# Using latest niche_vlaanderen %s" % __version__ else: s = "# Newer niche_vlaanderen %s available" % last # pragma: no cover except URLError: # pragma: no cover s = "# Error determinining last upstream version" return s def _set_ct(self, key, value): if key not in _code_tables and key not in _code_tables_fp: raise NicheException("Unrecognized codetable %s" % key) if not os.path.isfile(value): raise NicheException("Cannot find file %s" % key) self._code_tables[key] = value
[docs] def set_input(self, key, value): """Adds a raster or numeric value as input layer Parameters ---------- key: string The type of grid that you want to assign (eg msw, soil_code, ...). Possible options are listed in value: string / number Path to a file containing the grid. Can be a folder for certain grid types (eg ArcGIS rasters). Can also be a number: in that case a constant value is applied everywhere. """ # check type is valid value from list if key not in _allowed_input: raise NicheException("Unrecognized type %s" % key) if self.vegetation_calculated: self._log.warning("Setting new input after model run, " "clearing results") self._clear_result() if isinstance(value, numbers.Number): # Remove any existing values to make sure last value is used self._inputfiles.pop(key, None) self._inputvalues[key] = value else: with, "r") as dst: sc_new = SpatialContext(dst) if self._context is None: self._context = sc_new else: if self._context != sc_new: self._context.set_overlap(sc_new) # Remove any existing values to make sure last value is used self._inputvalues.pop(key, None) self._inputfiles[key] = value
[docs] def read_config_file(self, config, overwrite_ct=False): """Sets the input based on an input file, without running it Configures a model based on a config file Parameters: overwrite_ct: bool (False) Allows the user to override the default codetables (after the class has been initialized). """ with open(config, "r") as stream: config_loaded = yaml.safe_load(stream) if overwrite_ct and "code_tables" in config_loaded.keys(): for k in config_loaded["code_tables"].keys(): value = config_loaded["code_tables"][k] value = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(config), value) self._set_ct(k, value) # parse input_layers for k in config_loaded["input_layers"].keys(): # adjust path to be relative to the yaml file value = config_loaded["input_layers"][k] if not isinstance(value, numbers.Number): value = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(config), value) self.set_input(k, value) if "model_options" in config_loaded.keys(): if "name" in config_loaded["model_options"].keys(): = config_loaded["model_options"]["name"] if "strict_checks" in config_loaded["model_options"].keys(): self._options["strict_checks"] = config_loaded["model_options"][ "strict_checks" ] if "overwrite_files" in config_loaded["model_options"].keys(): self._options["overwrite_files"] = config_loaded["model_options"][ "overwrite_files" ] if "output_dir" in config_loaded["model_options"].keys(): self._options["output_dir"] = config_loaded["model_options"][ "output_dir" ] if "flooding" in config_loaded.keys(): self._options["flooding"] = [] for scen_nr in config_loaded["flooding"]: scen = { k: scen_nr[k] for k in ["name", "depth", "period", "frequency", "duration"] } self._options["flooding"].append(scen)
[docs] def run_config_file(self, config, overwrite_ct=False): """Runs Niche using a configuration file This will configure the model, run and output as specified. Parameters: config: string path to a config file overwrite_ct: boolean (False) overwrite codetables using the values specified in the configuration file. """ self.read_config_file(config, overwrite_ct=overwrite_ct) # Set input values with open(config, "r") as stream: config_loaded = yaml.safe_load(stream) # Run + write according to model options options = { k: config_loaded["model_options"][k] for k in inspect.getfullargspec( if k in config_loaded["model_options"].keys() }**options) overwrite = False if "overwrite_files" in self._options and self._options["overwrite_files"]: overwrite = True if "flooding" in self._options: for scen in self._options["flooding"]: ct_nl = dict() keys = set(Flooding.__init__.__code__.co_varnames) & set( self._code_tables ) for k in keys: ct_nl[k] = self._code_tables[k] fp = Flooding(name=scen["name"], **ct_nl) depth_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(config), scen["depth"]) fp.calculate( depth_file=depth_file, period=scen["period"], frequency=scen["frequency"], duration=scen["duration"], ) self.fp = fp.combine(self) if "output_dir" in self._options: self.fp.write(self._options["output_dir"], overwrite) self._files_written.update(self.fp._files_written) if "output_dir" in self._options: output_dir = self._options["output_dir"] self.write(output_dir, overwrite)
def _check_all_lower(self, input_array, a, b): # We ignore comparison problems with np.nan (nodata) warnings.simplefilter(action="ignore", category=RuntimeWarning) higher = ( (input_array[a] > input_array[b]) & (input_array[a] != -99) & (input_array[b] != -99) ) warnings.simplefilter("default") if np.any(higher): # find out which cells have invalid values bad_points = np.where(higher) # convert these cells into the projection system bad_points = self._context.transform * bad_points print("Warning: Not all {} values are lower than {}".format(a, b)) print("coordinates with invalid values are:") print(pd.DataFrame(list(bad_points))) if self._options["strict_checks"]: raise NicheException( "Error: not all {} values are lower than {}".format(a, b) ) def _check_input_files(self, full_model): """basic input checks (valid files etc)""" # Load every input_file in the input_array inputarray = dict() for f in self._inputfiles: dst =[f], "r") nodata = dst.nodatavals[0] window = self._context.get_read_window(SpatialContext(dst)) band =, window=window) # if we have unsigned integers - switch to signed otherwise # no data (-99) will fail. if band.dtype.kind == "u": band = band.astype(int) if f in ( "nitrogen_animal", "nitrogen_fertilizer", "nitrogen_atmospheric", "mhw", "mlw", "msw", ): band = band.astype("float32") # create a mask for no-data values, taking into account data-types if band.dtype == "float32" and nodata is not None: band[np.isclose(nodata, band)] = np.nan else: band[band == nodata] = -99 # convert old soil codes to new soil codes if f == "soil_code" and np.all((band >= 10000)|(band==-99)|np.isnan(band)): band[band>=10000] = np.round(band[band>=10000] / 10000) if f == "soil_code" and band.dtype == "float32": band[np.isnan(band)] = -99 band = band.astype(int) inputarray[f] = band # Load in all constant inputvalues for f in self._inputvalues: shape = (int(self._context.height), int(self._context.width)) inputarray[f] = np.full(shape, self._inputvalues[f]) # check if valid values are used in inputarrays # check for valid datatypes - values will be checked in the low-level # api (eg soil_code present in codetable) self._check_all_lower(inputarray, "mhw", "mlw") if "msw" in inputarray.keys(): self._check_all_lower(inputarray, "msw", "mlw") self._check_all_lower(inputarray, "mhw", "msw") if full_model and "nutrient_level" not in inputarray.keys(): with np.errstate(invalid="ignore"): # ignore NaN comparison errors if np.any( (inputarray["nitrogen_animal"] < 0) | (inputarray["nitrogen_animal"] > 10000) | (inputarray["nitrogen_fertilizer"] < 0) | (inputarray["nitrogen_fertilizer"] > 10000) | (inputarray["nitrogen_atmospheric"] < 0) | (inputarray["nitrogen_atmospheric"] > 10000) ): raise NicheException("Error: nitrogen values must be >0 and <10000") # if all is successful: self._inputarray = inputarray
[docs] def run(self, full_model=True, deviation=False, strict_checks=True): """Run the niche model Runs niche Vlaanderen model. Requires that the necessary input values have been added using set_input. Parameters ---------- full_model: bool Uses the full niche model. The simple model only uses mhw, mlw and soil_code as input. deviation: bool Create the maps with the difference between the needed MHW and MLW and the actual MHW/MLW for a vegetation type. strict_checks: bool By default running a model will fail if impossible combinations of MxW exist somewhere in the input files. By disabling strict checks models can still be run. It will still emit a warning. Note that this is provided to be backwards compatibility and it is recommended to fix the data rather than disabling this. """ self._options["full_model"] = full_model self._options["deviation"] = deviation self._options["strict_checks"] = strict_checks if full_model: required_input = set(_minimal_input) given_input = set(self._inputfiles.keys()) | set(self._inputvalues.keys()) if "nutrient_level" not in given_input: required_input |= set(_input_nutrient_level) if "acidity" not in given_input: required_input |= set(_input_acidity) missing_keys = required_input - given_input if len(missing_keys) > 0: print("Different keys are missing: ") print(missing_keys) raise NicheException("Error, different obliged keys are missing") self._check_input_files(full_model) if full_model: if "nutrient_level" not in self._inputarray: ct_nl = dict() keys = set(NutrientLevel.__init__.__code__.co_varnames) & set( self._code_tables ) for k in keys: ct_nl[k] = self._code_tables[k] nl = NutrientLevel(**ct_nl) self._abiotic["nutrient_level"] = nl.calculate( soil_code=self._inputarray["soil_code"], msw=self._inputarray["msw"], nitrogen_atmospheric=self._inputarray["nitrogen_atmospheric"], nitrogen_animal=self._inputarray["nitrogen_animal"], nitrogen_fertilizer=self._inputarray["nitrogen_fertilizer"], management=self._inputarray["management"], inundation=self._inputarray["inundation_nutrient"], ) if "acidity" not in self._inputarray: ct_acidity = dict() keys = set(Acidity.__init__.__code__.co_varnames) & set( self._code_tables ) for k in keys: ct_acidity[k] = self._code_tables[k] acidity = Acidity(**ct_acidity) self._abiotic["acidity"] = acidity.calculate( self._inputarray["soil_code"], self._inputarray["mlw"], self._inputarray["inundation_acidity"], self._inputarray["seepage"], self._inputarray["minerality"], self._inputarray["rainwater"], ) ct_veg = dict() keys = set(Vegetation.__init__.__code__.co_varnames) & set(self._code_tables) for k in keys: ct_veg[k] = self._code_tables[k] vegetation = Vegetation(**ct_veg) if "inundation_vegetation" not in self._inputarray: self._inputarray["inundation_vegetation"] = None if "management_vegetation" not in self._inputarray: self._inputarray["management_vegetation"] = None veg_arguments = dict( soil_code=self._inputarray["soil_code"], mhw=self._inputarray["mhw"], mlw=self._inputarray["mlw"], ) if full_model: veg_arguments.update( inundation=self._inputarray["inundation_vegetation"], management=self._inputarray["management_vegetation"], ) if "nutrient_level" in self._inputarray: veg_arguments["nutrient_level"] = self._inputarray["nutrient_level"] else: veg_arguments["nutrient_level"] = self._abiotic["nutrient_level"] if "acidity" in self._inputarray: veg_arguments["acidity"] = self._inputarray["acidity"] else: veg_arguments["acidity"] = self._abiotic["acidity"] ( self._vegetation, self.occurrence, self._vegetation_detail, ) = vegetation.calculate(full_model=full_model, **veg_arguments) if deviation: self._deviation = vegetation.calculate_deviation( self._inputarray["soil_code"], self._inputarray["mhw"], self._inputarray["mlw"], )
[docs] def write(self, folder, overwrite_files=False, detailed_files=False): """Saves the model results to a folder Saves the model results to a folder. Files will be written as geotiff. Vegetation files have names V1 ... V28 Abiotic files are exported as well (nutrient_level.tif and acidity.tif) if they were not input files. Parameters ---------- folder: string Output folder to which files will be written. Parent directory must already exist. overwrite_files: bool Overwrite files when saving. Note writing will fail if any of the files to be written already exists. detailed_files : bool Save detailed information on factor affecting vegetation possibility """ if not self.vegetation_calculated: raise NicheException("A valid run must be done before writing the output.") folder = str(folder) self._options["output_dir"] = folder if not os.path.exists(folder): os.makedirs(folder) params = dict( driver="GTiff", height=self._context.height, width=self._context.width,, transform=self._context.transform, count=1, dtype="uint8", nodata=255, compress="DEFLATE", ) prefix = "" if != "": prefix = + "_" files = { "summary": folder + "/" + prefix + "summary.csv", "log": "{}/{}log.txt".format(folder, prefix), } for vi in self._vegetation: path = "{}/{}V{:02d}.tif".format(folder, prefix, vi) files[vi] = path for vi in self._abiotic: path = "{}/{}{}.tif".format(folder, prefix, vi) files[vi] = path for i in self._deviation: path = "{}/{}{}.tif".format(folder, prefix, i) files[i] = path if detailed_files: for vi in self._vegetation_detail: path = "{}/{}V{:02d}_detail.tif".format(folder, prefix, vi) files["%02d_detail" % vi] = path for key in files: if os.path.exists(files[key]): if overwrite_files:"Warning: file {} already exists".format(files[key])) else: raise NicheException("File {} already exists".format(files[key])) # write a summary file containing the table of the model self.table.to_csv(files["summary"], index=False) for vi in self._vegetation: with[vi], "w", **params) as dst: dst.write(self._vegetation[vi], 1) self._files_written[vi] = os.path.normpath(files[vi]) # also save the abiotic grids for vi in self._abiotic: with[vi], "w", **params) as dst: dst.write(self._abiotic[vi], 1) self._files_written[vi] = os.path.normpath(files[vi]) if detailed_files: # write legend file legend = VegSuitable.legend() pd.DataFrame({"legend": pd.Series(legend)}).to_csv(folder + "/" + prefix + "legend_detail.csv") # and the actual grids for vi in self._vegetation_detail: filename = files["%02d_detail" % vi] with, "w", **params) as dst: dst.write(self._vegetation_detail[vi], 1) self._files_written["%02d_detail" % vi] = os.path.normpath(filename) # deviation params.update(dtype="float64", nodata=-99999) for i in self._deviation: with[i], "w", **params) as dst: band = self._deviation[i] band[band == np.nan] = -99999 dst.write(band, 1) self._files_written[i] = os.path.normpath(files[i]) with open(files["log"], "w") as f: f.write(self.__repr__())
[docs] def plot(self, key, ax=None, fixed_scale=True): """Plots the result or input of a Niche object Creates a plot of an input layer of a Niche object or of the result of a Niche object. Note that depending on your matplotlib environment you may still have to call the matplotlib show method to actually show the plot:: >>> myniche.plot(11) >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> Parameters ========== key: veg_code (1..28) or input_code key of the vegetation type that should be plotted, eg myniche.plot(7) or key of the input layer you want to plot eg myniche("mhw"). If deviation was calculated with the model, this can also be plotted, by using `input_code_veg_code` eg `mhw_14` ax: `matplotlib.axes.Axes`_ optional axis parameter. Can be specified when you want to plot different plots in one layout fixed_scale: boolean (default: True) Use a fixed scale Returns ======= ax: `matplotlib.axes.Axes`_ Can be used to update the plot (eg change the title). """ try: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.patches as mpatches from matplotlib.colors import Normalize except (ImportError, RuntimeError): # pragma: no cover msg = "Could not import matplotlib\n" msg += "matplotlib required for plotting functions" raise ImportError(msg) norm = None v = None # Inform user that data is not available to plot # (key is present, but value is None) if key not in self._inputfiles and key in self._inputarray: if not self._inputarray[key]: raise KeyError(f"{key} data is not available to plot.") if key in self._inputfiles and key not in self._inputarray: # if set_input has been done, but no model run yet # in this case we will open the file and fetch the data with[key], "r") as dst: window = self._context.get_read_window(SpatialContext(dst)) v =, window=window) v = ma.masked_equal(v, dst.nodatavals[0]) title = key if key in self._inputarray: v = self._inputarray[key] v = ma.masked_equal(v, -99) title = key if key in self._abiotic: v = self._abiotic[key] v = ma.masked_equal(v, 255) title = key if key in self._vegetation.keys(): v = self._vegetation[key] v = ma.masked_equal(v, 255) title = "{} ({})".format(self._vegcode2name(key), key) norm = Normalize(0, 1) if key in self._deviation: v = self._deviation[key] title = key if fixed_scale: norm = Normalize(-50, 50) if key in {"mhw", "mlw", "msw"} and fixed_scale: norm = Normalize(200, 0) if v is None: raise NicheException("Invalid key specified") if ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots() ((a, b), (c, d)) = self._context.extent mpl_extent = (a, c, d, b) im = plt.imshow(v, extent=mpl_extent, norm=norm, interpolation="none") if != "": title = + " " + title ax.set_title(title) if key in self._vegetation: labels = ["not present", "present"] values = [0, 1] colors = [im.cmap(value / (len(values) - 1)) for value in values] patches = [mpatches.Patch(color=colors[i], label=labels[i]) for i in values] plt.legend( handles=patches, bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 1), loc=2, borderaxespad=0.0 ) else: plt.colorbar() return ax
[docs] def plot_detail(self, key, limit_legend=True, cmap="tab20"): """Detailed plot for a vegetation type key: veg_code (1..28) key of the vegetation type that should be plotted limit_legend: boolean limits the legend to the types present in the figure cmap: colormap colormap to use for the maps. Note that 9 combinations of presence/absence are possible, so keep this in mind if changing from the default value. """ try: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.patches as mpatches import matplotlib except (ImportError, RuntimeError): # pragma: no cover msg = "Could not import matplotlib\n" msg += "matplotlib required for plotting functions" raise ImportError(msg) if key not in self._vegetation.keys(): raise NicheException("invalid key for plot, must be a number of a vegetation type") title = "{} ({})".format(self._vegcode2name(key), key) v = self._vegetation_detail[key] v = ma.masked_equal(v, 255) ((a, b), (c, d)) = self._context.extent mpl_extent = (a, c, d, b) fig, ax = plt.subplots() legend = VegSuitable.legend() legend_keys = np.array(list(legend.keys())) # convert vegetation matrix to legend item matrix v_un = np.digitize(v, legend_keys, right=True) v_un = ma.masked_equal(v_un, len(legend)) plt.imshow( v_un, extent=mpl_extent, cmap=cmap, interpolation="None", vmin=0, vmax=len(VegSuitable.possible()) + 1, ) if limit_legend: present = ma.unique(v_un[~v_un.mask]) patches = [ mpatches.Patch(color=matplotlib.colormaps[cmap](i), label=legend[legend_keys[i]]) for i in present ] else: patches = [ mpatches.Patch(color=matplotlib.colormaps[cmap](i), label=legend[j]) for i, j in enumerate(legend) ] plt.legend(handles=patches, bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 1), loc=2, borderaxespad=0.0) if != "": title = + " " + title ax.set_title(title) return ax
@property def table(self): """Dataframe containing the potential area (ha) per vegetation type""" return self._table() def _table(self, detail=False): """Dataframe containing the potential area (ha) per vegetation type detail: boolean add info why vegetation is present, rather than just present/not present """ if not self.vegetation_calculated: raise NicheException( "Error: You must run niche prior to requesting the " "result table" ) td = list() if detail is False: presence = dict({0: "not present", 1: "present", 255: "no data"}) for i in self._vegetation: vi = pd.Series(self._vegetation[i].flatten()) rec = vi.value_counts() * self._context.cell_area / 10000 for a in rec.index: td.append((i, presence[a], rec[a])) else: legend = VegSuitable.legend() legend[255] = "no data" for i in self._vegetation_detail: vi = pd.Series(self._vegetation_detail[i].flatten()) rec = vi.value_counts() * self._context.cell_area / 10000 for a in rec.index: td.append((i, legend[a], rec[a])) df = pd.DataFrame(td, columns=["vegetation", "presence", "area_ha"]) return df
[docs] def zonal_stats( self, vectors, outside=True, attribute=None, vegetation_types=None, upscale=1 ): """Calculates zonal statistics using vectors Parameters ========== vectors: path to a vector source or geo-like python objects you can specify a path to a vector file eg "../test.shp", or pass geo objects from other python functions. Note that the vector should be in the same coordinate system as the raster. outside: bool (default: True) report values outside shapes as well. The area which is not covered by any shapefile will get shape_id -1. attribute: string(default None): attribute of the vector source that will be exported along in the table. vegetation_types: List | None optional list of vegetation types (as integer number) for which the statistics must be calculated. Calculation will happen for all niche vegetation types by default. upscale : int upscaling factor: decrease the cell size by this factor to increase the resolution Returns ======= table: pandas.DataFrame """ td = dict() # Ignore the warnings from rasterstats - code must be adjusted # in that package - not in our code. #warnings.simplefilter(action="ignore", category=FutureWarning) #warnings.simplefilter(action="ignore", category=DeprecationWarning) presence = dict({0: "not present", 1: "present", 255: "no data"}) if vegetation_types is None: vegetation_types = self._vegetation.keys() if len(vegetation_types) == 0: raise NicheException("Can not calculate zonal statistics for " "empty vegetation list") logger.debug(f"vegetation_types: {vegetation_types}") logger.debug(f"upscaling to {upscale}") for i in tqdm(vegetation_types): # Note we use -99 as nodata value to make sure the true nodata # value (255) is part of the result table. if upscale == 1: raster = self._vegetation[i] affine = self._context.transform else: # based on # raster = ( self._vegetation[i].repeat(upscale, axis=0).repeat(upscale, axis=1) ) affine = self._context.transform * self._context.transform.scale( self._context.width / raster.shape[1], self._context.height / raster.shape[0], ) td[i] = rasterstats.zonal_stats( vectors=vectors, raster=raster, affine=affine, categorical=True, nodata=Vegetation.nodata_veg, geojson_out=attribute is not None, ) warnings.simplefilter("default") ti = [] attribute_list = [] for vi in td: for shape_i, rec in enumerate(td[vi]): if attribute is not None: rec = rec["properties"] for a in presence: pixels = rec.get(a) if rec.get(a) is not None else 0 ti.append( ( int(vi), shape_i, presence[a], pixels * self._context.cell_area / 10000 / (upscale ** 2), ) ) if attribute is not None: attribute_list.append(rec[attribute]) df = pd.DataFrame(ti, columns=["vegetation", "shape_id", "presence", "area_ha"]) if outside: # calculate area outside polygons a = pd.concat( [ self.table.groupby(by=["vegetation", "presence"])["area_ha"].sum(), df.groupby(by=["vegetation", "presence"])["area_ha"].sum(), ], axis=1, ) a = a.reset_index().fillna(0) a.columns = ["vegetation", "presence", "all", "inshape"] a["area_ha"] = a["all"] - a["inshape"] a["shape_id"] = -1 a = a[["vegetation", "shape_id", "presence", "area_ha"]] df = pd.concat([df, a]) attribute_list.extend(a["shape_id"]) if attribute is not None: df[attribute] = attribute_list return df
def _vegcode2name(self, vegcode): """Converts a vegetation code to a name Uses ct_vegetation columns veg_code and veg_type""" if not hasattr(self, "_vegcode2namedict"): if "ct_vegetation" in self._code_tables: ct_vegetation = self._code_tables["ct_vegetation"] else: ct_vegetation = package_resource( ["system_tables"], "niche_vegetation.csv") ct_vegetation = pd.read_csv(ct_vegetation) subtable = ct_vegetation[["veg_code", "veg_type"]] veg_dict = subtable.set_index("veg_code").to_dict()["veg_type"] self._vegcode2namedict = veg_dict return self._vegcode2namedict[vegcode] @property def vegetation_calculated(self): return len(self._vegetation) > 0 def _clear_result(self): """Clears calculated vegetation""" self._vegetation.clear() self._deviation.clear()
def indent(s, pre): return pre + s.replace("\n", "\n" + pre)
[docs] class NicheDelta(object): """Class containing the difference between two niche runs The difference can be visualized using the plot method. It is also possible to derive a table with the area's according to each group. See the tutorial at: `Comparing Niche classes`_ """ _values = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4] _labels = [ "not present in both models", "present in both models", "only in model 1", "only in model 2", "nodata in one model", ] name = "" def __init__(self, n1, n2): self._delta = dict() self._log = logging.getLogger("niche_vlaanderen") if n1._context is None or n2._context is None: raise NicheException( "No extent in Niche object. Please run both models prior to " "calculating a delta." ) if n1._context != n2._context: raise NicheException( "Spatial contexts differ, can not make a delta\n" "Context 1 %s\n" "Context 2 %s" % (n1._context, n2._context) ) self._context = n1._context if len(n1._vegetation) == 0 or len(n2._vegetation) == 0: raise NicheException( "No vegetation in Niche object. Please run both models prior " "to calculating a delta." ) # the error below should not occur as we check the context, but # better safe than sorry if n1._vegetation[1].size != n2._vegetation[1].size: # pragma: no cover raise NicheException("Arrays have different size.") if len(n1._vegetation) != len(n2._vegetation): raise NicheException("Niche vegetation objects have different length.") for vi in n1._vegetation: n1v = n1._vegetation[vi].flatten() n2v = n2._vegetation[vi].flatten() res = np.full(n1v.size, 4, dtype="uint8") res[((n1v == 0) & (n2v == 0))] = 0 res[((n1v == 1) & (n2v == 1))] = 1 res[((n1v == 1) & (n2v == 0))] = 2 res[((n1v == 0) & (n2v == 1))] = 3 res[((n1v == 255) & (n2v == 255))] = 255 res.resize(n1._vegetation[vi].shape) self._delta[vi] = ma.masked_equal(res, 255) self._n1 = n1
[docs] def write(self, folder, overwrite_files=False): """Writes the difference grids to grid files. The differences are coded using these values: * 0: "not present in both models" * 1: "present in both models" * 2: "only in model 1" * 3: "only in model 2" * 4: "nodata in one model" Parameters ========== folder: path Path to which the output files will be written. overwrite_files: bool Whether files should be overwritten on save. """ if not os.path.exists(folder): os.makedirs(folder) params = dict( driver="GTiff", height=self._context.height, width=self._context.width,, transform=self._context.transform, count=1, dtype="uint8", nodata=255, compress="DEFLATE", ) prefix = "" if != "": prefix = + "_" files = { "summary": "{}/{}delta_summary.csv".format(folder, prefix), "legend": "{}/{}legend_delta.csv".format(folder, prefix), } for vi in self._delta: files[vi] = "{}/{}D{}.tif".format(folder, prefix, vi) for key in files: if os.path.exists(files[key]): if overwrite_files: self._log.warning( "Warning: file {} already exists".format(files[key]) ) else: raise NicheException("File {} already exists".format(files[key])) for vi in self._delta: with[vi], "w", **params) as dst: dst.write(self._delta[vi], 1) # Also the resulting table is written self.table.to_csv(files["summary"], index=False) # And a small file containing the legend legend = pd.DataFrame(dict(code=self._values, labels=self._labels)) legend.to_csv(files["legend"], index=False)
[docs] def plot(self, key, ax=None): """ Plots the difference between two classes Parameters ========== key: number The vegetation code (1-28) """ try: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.patches as mpatches from matplotlib.colors import Normalize except (ImportError, RuntimeError): # pragma: no cover msg = "Could not import matplotlib\n" msg += "matplotlib required for plotting functions" raise ImportError(msg) if ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots() ((a, b), (c, d)) = self._context.extent mpl_extent = (a, c, d, b) im = plt.imshow( self._delta[key], extent=mpl_extent, norm=Normalize(0, max(self._values)), interpolation="none", ) if != "": title = "{} ({}-{})".format(, self._n1._vegcode2name(key), key) else: title = "{} ({})".format(self._n1._vegcode2name(key), key) ax.set_title(title) labels = self._labels values = self._values colors = [im.cmap(value / (len(values) - 1)) for value in values] patches = [mpatches.Patch(color=colors[i], label=labels[i]) for i in values] plt.legend(handles=patches, bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 1), loc=2, borderaxespad=0.0) return ax
@property def table(self): """Return a summarized dataframe for a NicheDelta object Returns ======= df: `pandas.DataFrame`_ """ td = list() for i in self._delta: vi = pd.Series(self._delta[i].flatten()) rec = vi.value_counts() for a in rec.index: td.append( (i, self._labels[int(a)], rec[a] * self._context.cell_area / 10000) ) df = pd.DataFrame(td, columns=["vegetation", "presence", "area_ha"]) return df
def conductivity2minerality(conductivity, minerality): """Convert a grid with conductivity to a grid of minerality Helper function that converts a grid with conductivity values to a grid of minerality values (where conductivity > 500). Supplied for backwards compatibility with the original niche vlaanderen model. Parameters ========== conductivity: filename Original grid with conductivity values. minerality: filename New grid where minerality values are stored. This will be a geotiff, so extension .tif is recommended. """ # we will ignore future warnings from rasterio with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore", FutureWarning) with, "r") as src: band = band = np.where(band > 500, 1, 0) profile = src.profile profile["driver"] = "GTiff" profile["compress"] = "DEFLATE" band = band.astype(profile["dtype"]) with, "w", **profile) as dst: dst.write(band, 1)