Running niche

Whenever you want to use niche_vlaanderen (either from the command line or Python) you need to start from the Anaconda/Miniconda prompt (in the start menu) and activate the environment (in this example, an environment you called niche during the installation):

(C:\Users\myusername\Miniconda3) C:\Users\myusername> conda activate niche

Optionally - Jupyter Notebook

If you want to run niche_vlaanderen interactively, we recommend using a Jupyter notebook.

To use Jupyter Notebooks, from the Anaconda/Miniconda prompt do:

(C:\Users\myusername\Miniconda3) C:\Users\myusername> conda activate niche
(niche) C:\Users\myusername> jupyter notebook

This should open a webbrowser pointing towards http://localhost:8888 . If your browser does not open, try looking for the correct URL at the Anaconda prompt.

The Tutorials will use these jupyter notebooks, and are the best place to continue from here.