Source code for niche_vlaanderen.acidity

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from niche_vlaanderen.codetables import package_resource
from niche_vlaanderen.codetables import validate_tables_acidity, check_codes_used

[docs] class Acidity(object): """Class to calculate the Acidity The used codetables can be overwritten by using the corresponding ct_* arguments. """ nodata = 255 # uint8 data type def __init__( self, ct_acidity=None, ct_soil_mlw_class=None, ct_soil_codes=None, lnk_acidity=None, ct_seepage=None, ): if ct_acidity is None: ct_acidity = package_resource( ["system_tables"], "acidity.csv") if ct_soil_mlw_class is None: ct_soil_mlw_class = package_resource( ["system_tables"], "soil_mlw_class.csv") if ct_soil_codes is None: ct_soil_codes = package_resource( ["system_tables"], "soil_codes.csv") if lnk_acidity is None: lnk_acidity = package_resource( ["system_tables"], "lnk_acidity.csv") if ct_seepage is None: ct_seepage = package_resource( ["system_tables"], "seepage.csv") self._ct_acidity = pd.read_csv(ct_acidity) self._ct_soil_mlw = pd.read_csv(ct_soil_mlw_class) self._ct_soil_codes = pd.read_csv(ct_soil_codes) self._lnk_acidity = pd.read_csv(lnk_acidity) self._ct_seepage = pd.read_csv(ct_seepage) inner = all(v is None for v in self.__init__.__code__.co_varnames[1:]) validate_tables_acidity( ct_acidity=self._ct_acidity, ct_soil_mlw_class=self._ct_soil_mlw, ct_soil_codes=self._ct_soil_codes, lnk_acidity=self._lnk_acidity, ct_seepage=self._ct_seepage, inner=inner, ) self._ct_soil_codes = self._ct_soil_codes.set_index("soil_code") def _calculate_soil_mlw(self, soil_code, mlw): check_codes_used("soil_code", soil_code, self._ct_soil_codes.index) # determine soil_group for soil_code orig_shape = mlw.shape soil_code = soil_code.flatten() mlw = mlw.flatten() soil_group = ( self._ct_soil_codes.soil_group .reindex(soil_code, fill_value=-99) # Fill with -99 for no data .values.astype("int8") ) result = np.full(soil_code.shape, -99) for sel_group, subtable in self._ct_soil_mlw.groupby("soil_group"): subtable = subtable.copy().reset_index(drop=True) index = np.digitize(mlw, subtable.mlw_max, right=True) selection = soil_group == sel_group result[selection] = subtable.soil_mlw_class.reindex(index)[selection] result[mlw == -99] = -99 result = result.reshape(orig_shape) return result def _get_acidity(self, rainwater, minerality, inundation, seepage, soil_mlw_class): orig_shape = inundation.shape check_codes_used("rainwater", rainwater, {0, 1}) check_codes_used( "minerality", minerality, self._lnk_acidity["mineral_richness"] ) check_codes_used("inundation", inundation, self._lnk_acidity["inundation"]) check_codes_used("seepage", seepage, self._ct_seepage["seepage"]) rainwater = rainwater.flatten() minerality = minerality.flatten() inundation = inundation.flatten() seepage = seepage.flatten() soil_mlw_class = soil_mlw_class.flatten() result = np.full(soil_mlw_class.shape, self.nodata, dtype="uint8") for labels, subtable in self._lnk_acidity.groupby( ["rainwater", "mineral_richness", "inundation", "seepage", "soil_mlw_class"] ): ( sel_rainwater, sel_mr, sel_inundation, sel_seepage, sel_soil_mlw_class, ) = labels subtable = subtable.copy().reset_index(drop=True) selection = ( (rainwater == sel_rainwater) & (minerality == sel_mr) & (inundation == sel_inundation) & (seepage == sel_seepage) & (soil_mlw_class == sel_soil_mlw_class) ) result[(selection)] = subtable.acidity[0] result = result.reshape(orig_shape) return result def _get_seepage(self, seepage): """Classify seepage values""" orig_shape = seepage.shape seepage = seepage.flatten() index = np.digitize(seepage, self._ct_seepage.seepage_max, right=True) seepage_class = self._ct_seepage.seepage.reindex(index) seepage_class[(np.isnan(seepage) | (seepage == -99))] return seepage_class.values.reshape(orig_shape)
[docs] def calculate(self, soil_class, mlw, inundation, seepage, minerality, rainwater): """ Parameters: ========== soil_class: numpy.array Array containing the soil codes. Values must be present in the soil_code table. -99 is used as no data value. mlw: numpy.array Array containing the mean lowest waterlevel. inundation: numpy.array Array containing rate of inundation. seepage: numpy.array Array containing the flux of groundwater at the location minerality: numpy.array Array noting whether the groundwater is rich(1) or poor in minerals rainwater: numpy.array (optional) Array denoting whether rainwater lenses occur. """ soil_mlw = self._calculate_soil_mlw(soil_class, mlw) seepage = self._get_seepage(seepage) acidity = self._get_acidity( rainwater, minerality, inundation, seepage, soil_mlw ) return acidity