1 Introduction

This tutorial will provide you the know-how for importing and analysing (tidy) data. We will use the same dataframe to test the most typical dplyr functionalities. There is no better way to improve your programming skills than trying it yourself. Don’t be shy to make faults and take a look to the base R cheatsheet and the dplyr cheatsheet: we do it constantly.

First of all, we need to load some libraries which are part of the tidyverse ecosystem:


Alternatively, you can load all tidyverse libraries at once by:


2 Read data

First of all, we need to import data in R. The most user friendly way to do it is by using the interface provided by RStudio. In the Environment window, click on Import Dataset and select From Text (readr).... A window will pop-up. Follow the next steps:

  1. Click on Browse to selet the text file you want to import
  2. Select the right delimiter
  3. Check whether the class of the column values fits your purpose and in case apply changes by clicking on the class name below the column name
  4. Change the name in code preview if you prefer to save the data with a different name than filename
  5. Click on Import

A dataframe is automatically generated and, very handy, the code to generate it as well! We suggest to use this graphic interface at the beginning in order to be familiar with the most typical parameters (e.g. sep, col_types, col_names, row_names). After a while you will find that writing the code is way faster than a long series of mouse clicks.

2.1 Exercises

  1. Read survey_data_spreadsheet_tidy.csv. Check whether the columns match the following types:
    • date: double
    • species: character
    • plot: integer
    • sex: character
    • weight_in_g: integer
    • device_remarks: character
  2. Save the data into data:

3 Explore data

Before to start manipulate data, it is best practice exploring the imported dataframe in order to check whether everything is corectly imported and to have an idea about the data we are going to analyse/manipulate. R gives us several tools to do it, which you can test immediately by using one of the many dataframes from the R Datasets package, automatically loaded when you open R. We will use the CO2 dataframe about the carbon dioxide uptake in grass plant Echinochloa crus-galli (details can be found here)

  1. head(CO2) returns the first part of a data frame. It works with several other data types (vectors, tables, …). Specifiy how many rows to display with parameter n: haed(CO2, n = ), default n = 6
  2. view(CO2) opens the entire dataframe in viewer. If dataframe is very big, then your computer can slow down sensibly and Rstudio can eventually crash. Be aware of it!
  3. class(CO2) if CO2 is a dataframe then "data.frame" will show up
  4. str(CO2) displays the internal structure of the dataframe
  5. col_names(CO2) display column names
  6. nrow(CO2) returns the number of rows of the dataframe
  7. ncol(CO2) return the number of rows of the dataframe

3.1 Exercises

Test the functions introduced above to our dataframe data. In particular:

  1. Display column names:

  2. How many columns are there?

  3. How many rows are there?

  4. Display the first 10 records:

  5. Display data in viewer:

  6. Display structure of data:

4 Sort data

It is normally useful to sort data. The package dplyr offers the function arrange() to do it:

arrange(CO2, conc, uptake)

Use parameter desc(col_name) to sort in descending order:

arrange(CO2, desc(conc), desc(uptake))

4.1 Exercises

  1. Sort by date in ascending order:

  2. Overwrite data with sorted output:

5 Select columns and rows

You can select specific columns of a dataframe by select(). Only columns where conditions are true are selected. For example, selecting a column by its column name:

select(CO2, uptake)

To select all columns except a specific column use the minus symbol before its name:

select(CO2, -uptake)

To select rows use filter(). Again, one or multiple filters can be applied to filter the targeted rows:

  Type == "Quebec", 
  Treatment == "nonchilled", 
  conc  < 200

A condition can be any logical operator (>, >, <=,…). For example, to get only those rows for which the weight_in_g is smaller than 40, use filter(data, weight_in_g < 40).

5.1 Exercises

  1. Display the column weight_in_g:

  2. Display only the records with weight_in_g > 30:

  3. Select females with weight_in_g > 30:

  4. Display only weight_in_g of females with weight_in_g > 30:

  5. Save output of (4) as females_weight_above_30:

  6. Select all columns from data except the device_remarks column:

6 Pipes

As you probably noticed, we need to create new data.frame everytime we want to apply two or more functions. This method has several disadvantages, i.a. messy workspace, higher chance of typos,…

An alternative is to wrap (nest) functions one within each other, so that the output of a function would be considered the input of the other one. For example, if we have to apply f1 to a dataframe df and f2 to the output of f1, we write:

f2(f1(df, ...), ...)
filter(select(CO2, uptake), uptake > 30, uptake < 31.8)

This way of working with functions is typical of programming and is implemented in many other programming languages. The disadvantage of this approach is readibility: you have to read from right to left in order to understand what happens with our data!

Can we avoid deciphering nested function calls, and making excessive use of temporary data.frames? The answer is yes, thanks to pipe operators. The most used one is the forward pipe: %>%, from the magrittr package. We can then rewrite the example above by using %>%:

df %>% f1(...) %>% f2(...)
CO2 %>% 
  select(uptake) %>% 
  filter(uptake > 30, uptake < 31.8)

Easy, isn’t?

As Stefan Milton, author of magrittr, wrote in this blogpost:

The order in which you’d think of these steps is the same as the order in which they are written, and as the order in which they are executed.

If you want to create a new object (i.e. data.frame) based on the output of a series of functions:

df2 <- df %>% f1(...) %>% f2(...)
small_uptakes <- CO2 %>% 
  select(uptake) %>% 
  filter(uptake > 30, uptake < 31.8)

If you want to overwrite the input dataframe, you can use the compound assignment operator, %<>% which can be read as the composition of the forward pipe %>%, and asignment symbol <-:

df %<>% f1(...) %>% f2(...)

We apply all steps on the right of %<>% to df and overwrite it with the final ouput.

small_uptakes %<>% filter(uptake < 31)


%<>% is part of the package magrittr, which is not loaded with tidyverse or dplyr. You need to load it separately: library(margrittr)

6.1 Exercises

  1. Display the column weight_in_g with values > 30 using pipes:

  2. Select females with weight_in_g > 30 using pipes

  3. Display only weight_in_g of females with weight in g > 30:

  4. Save output of (3) as a new data.frame: females_weight_above_30:

7 Distinct values

The function distinct() retains only unique/distinct values of an input vector. If applied to dataframe, it retains only unique/distinct rows. For example, to know which types of plants were used:

CO2 %>%
  select(Type) %>%

7.1 Exercises

  1. Show the unique sex values:

  2. Show the unique species values:

8 Summarize data

By using select() you can for example calculate minimum or maximum of a specific column.

The minimum uptake:

CO2 %>% 
  select(uptake) %>%
## [1] 7.7

And the maximum uptake:

CO2 %>% 
  select(uptake) %>%
## [1] 45.5

But what if you want to calculate the minimum and maximum uptake for each plant? You need then to split the data by Plant values and calculate the mimnimum and maximum for each group. We can do it via %>% and two functions from dplyr library: group_by() and summarize():

CO2 %>%
  group_by(Plant) %>%
    min_uptake = min(uptake),
    max_uptake = max(uptake)

Theoretically this kind of workflow is called the split-apply-combine paradigm: split the data into groups, apply some analysis to each group, and then combine the results together.Interesting to notice that group_by actually doesn’t modify the data contained in the dataframe, but adds an internal grouping to the dataframe, which is visible if you run:

class(CO2 %>% group_by(Plant))
## [1] "grouped_df" "tbl_df"     "tbl"        "data.frame"

For counting how many rows (with unique) in each group you can use count() instead of summarize():

CO2 %>%
  group_by(Plant) %>%

8.1 Exercises

  1. Count records per sex:

  2. What is the mean weight? Consider to use function mean() combined with parameter na.rm = TRUE in order to ignore (remove) NA while calculating the mean:

  3. Show mean weight per sex:

  4. Show mean weight per sex and species:

  5. Show minimum, maximum and mean weight per sex and species and save output as weight_per_species_sex. Consider to use min() and max()) combined with parameter na.rm = TRUE in order to ignore NA while calculating minimum and maximum:

9 Reshape data

These two functions provide opposite functionalities. While spread() spreads rows into columns, gather() gathers columns into rows. An example can be found in these two images from Data Carpentry:





Notice that spread() and gather() aren’t dplyr functions but come from the tidyr library.

9.1 Exercises

  1. Spread weight_per_species_sex to key on sex and values from mean_weight and save output as weight_per_species_sex_spread:

  2. Gather back the data and save output as weight_per_species_sex_gather. Is weight_per_species_sex_gather equal to weight_per_species_sex?

10 Rename, add and update columns

Sometimes you need to rename one or more columns. You can do it using function rename():

df %>% rename(new_colname = old_colname)

An example:

CO2 %>% rename(Conc = conc)

Another typical data analysis task is to create new columns based on the values of existing ones, like converting units or calculating the ratio of values in two columns. We can use the function mutate():

new_df <- df %>% mutate(new_column = ...)

An example using CO2 dataframe:

CO2_dev_mean <- CO2 %>% mutate(dev_mean_uptake = uptake - mean(uptake))

Or you can modify the original dataframe:

df %<>% mutate(new_column = ...)
CO2 %<>% mutate(dev_mean_uptake = uptake - mean(uptake))


You can also use mutate() to change the values in a column without creating a new one. In the example below we change the new column dev_mean_uptake by applying absolute value:

CO2 %<>% mutate(dev_mean_uptake = abs(dev_mean_uptake))


10.1 Exercises

  1. Rename column weight_in_g of data to weight and overwrite data:

  2. Convert weight values in gram to kg:

  3. Add column country with a fixed value US:

  4. Add column parsed_date by applying the function as.Date(column) to the date column:

11 Translate data

Have you ever wanted to use a kind of find and replace function in R? Then it’s time to use the dplyr functions recode() and case_when: the first function allows you to replace specific values based on a logical condition and it works with vectors. An example:

types <- CO2$Type # Extract Type from dataframe

  Quebec = "Canada",
  Mississippi = "USA"
##  [1] Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada
## [11] Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada
## [21] Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada
## [31] Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada
## [41] Canada Canada USA    USA    USA    USA    USA    USA    USA    USA   
## [51] USA    USA    USA    USA    USA    USA    USA    USA    USA    USA   
## [61] USA    USA    USA    USA    USA    USA    USA    USA    USA    USA   
## [71] USA    USA    USA    USA    USA    USA    USA    USA    USA    USA   
## [81] USA    USA    USA    USA   
## Levels: Canada USA

You can specify a default value: it will be given to all values not otherwise matched. And if you want replace missing values (NA), then you can specify a value to the parameter missing.

  Quebec = "Canada",
  .default = "World"
##  [1] Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada
## [11] Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada
## [21] Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada
## [31] Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada
## [41] Canada Canada World  World  World  World  World  World  World  World 
## [51] World  World  World  World  World  World  World  World  World  World 
## [61] World  World  World  World  World  World  World  World  World  World 
## [71] World  World  World  World  World  World  World  World  World  World 
## [81] World  World  World  World 
## Levels: Canada World

A similar function is case_when() which allows you to vectorise multiple if and if else statements and it works with vectors and dataframes as well. case_when() is often used inside mutate() when you want to make a new column (or change an existing one) based on a complex combination of existing column variables. An example:

CO2 %>% mutate(response_level = case_when(
  uptake / conc > 0.15 ~ "high",
  uptake / conc > 0.1 ~ "medium",
  TRUE ~  "low")

Based on the ratio between uptake and carbon dioxide concentration, a new column variable, response_level, is created with values based on the conditions listed in case_when().

11.1 Exercise

  1. Add column scientific_name with the full scientific name of each species based on the table below and save the output in data_scientificname:
species scientific name
DM Dimarella riparia (Navas, 1918)
DO Dondice occidentalis (Engel, 1925)
DS Distonemurus desertus Krivokhatsky, 1992
OL Olios scepticus Chamberlin, 1924
PE Petrochelidon nigricans (Vieillot, 1817)
PF Piffliella eduardi Hammer, 1979
OT Ottoicus dissitus Drake, 1960
OX Oxybelus pallidus Arnold, 1927
NA Not Available

12 Export data

When satisfied about the cleaned data, maybe you would like to save the output. You can save a dataframe object by means of following functions:

  1. write_tsv() to write tab delimited files
  2. write_csv() to write comma separated files

12.1 Exercises

  1. Export females_weight_above_30 to ../data/processed/females_weight_above_30.csv. Notice that the dataframe has only one column, so the choice of the separator makes no difference:

  2. Export data_scientificname to a comma separated file with name ../data/processed/data_scientificname.csv and include column names: