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Calculates the position of animal relative to a camera based on image pixel positions and site calibration models.


  dep_tag = "deploymentID",
  sequence_id = "sequenceID",
  x = "x",
  y = "y",
  image_width = "imageWidth",
  image_height = "imageHeight"



Data frame (tibble) of animal position digitization data. It must contain (at least) the columns defined in args dep_tag, sequence_id, x, y, image_width and image_height.


Named list of deployment calibration models or site calibration models (calibs objects), produced using (not yet included in this package). The deployment names are used as names.


Column in animal_pos against which names of the elements can be matched to apply the right deployment calibration models. Default: "deploymentID".


Column in animal_pos containing the sequence ID the images belong to. Default: "sequenceID".


Column in animal_pos containing x pixel positions for each digitised point. Default: "x".


Column in animal_pos containing y pixel positions for each digitised point. Default: "y".


Column in animal_pos containing the pixel x dimension of each image. Default: "imageWidth". Notice that the pixel x dimension must be consistent for each deployment.


Column in animal_pos containing the pixel y dimension of each image. Default: "imageHeight". Notice that the pixel y dimension must be consistent for each deployment.


Original tibble data frame as passed via animal_pos with additional columns:

  • radius: Radial distance from camera.

  • angle: Angular distance from camera.

  • frame_count: Indicator of the frame order within each sequence.


# Use default values
calc_animal_pos(animal_positions, dep_calib_models)
#> # A tibble: 42 × 9
#>    deploymentID sequenceID     x     y imageWidth imageHeight radius   angle
#>    <chr>             <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>      <int>       <int>  <dbl>   <dbl>
#>  1 S01                   0 2612. 1414.       2048        1536   1.49 0.579  
#>  2 S01                   0 1962. 1289.       2048        1536   2.16 0.342  
#>  3 S01                   0 1648. 1262.       2048        1536   2.54 0.227  
#>  4 S01                   0 1220. 1285.       2048        1536   2.88 0.0714 
#>  5 S01                   1 1041. 1361.       2048        1536   2.59 0.00608
#>  6 S01                   1 1215. 1403.       2048        1536   2.23 0.0697 
#>  7 S01                   1 1238. 1410.       2048        1536   2.18 0.0780 
#>  8 S01                   1 1238. 1410.       2048        1536   2.18 0.0780 
#>  9 S01                   1 1238. 1410.       2048        1536   2.18 0.0780 
#> 10 S01                   1 1238. 1410.       2048        1536   2.18 0.0780 
#> # ℹ 32 more rows
#> # ℹ 1 more variable: frame_count <int>