get_custom_effort() returns now the effort for each deployment separately (#333). The returned data frame has two new columns: deploymentID and locationName.
camtraptor 0.25.0
read_camtrap_dp() detects Camtrap DP version from package$profile using regex (#295). This supports reading Camtrap DPs created by the GBIF IPT.
camtraptor 0.24.0
Replicate old Camtrap DP 0.1.6 behaviour and populate angle and radius for event-based observations. Values are taken from the first media-based observation (fields individualPositionRadius and individualPositionAngle) for each eventID/individualID combination (#291).
read_camtrap_dp() will now always populate taxonID from the package.taxonomy (#290).
camtraptor 0.21.0
read_camtrap_dp() supports Camtrap DP 1.0 (upcoming Agouti export format) in favour of Camtrap DP 1.0-rc.1 (#284). To avoid breaking changes to users, it will down-convert Camtrap DP 1.0 to 0.1.6 which is currently used as internal data model for camtraptor.