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This vignette demonstrates the available colour palettes in the INBOtheme package. We show the palette as a plot with numbered rectangles. The number indicates the order in the palette.



The available colors in inbo_palette()

The available colors in inbo_palette()

All colours of inbo_palette() side by side.

All colours of inbo_palette() side by side.


Available colours of vlaanderen_palette()

Available colours of vlaanderen_palette()

All colours of vlaanderen_palette() side by side.

All colours of vlaanderen_palette() side by side.


Note that the traffic_palette() has a variable number of colours. It starts from a dark red colour and changes into a light green colour. Going gradually from dark to light makes this palette readable for colour blind people.

The available colours in traffic_palette(9)

The available colours in traffic_palette(9)

`traffic_palette()` with 9 levels.

traffic_palette() with 9 levels.

The available colours in traffic_palette(3)

The available colours in traffic_palette(3)

`traffic_palette()` with 3 levels.

traffic_palette() with 3 levels.


ordinal_palette() has a variable number of colours. It starts with a dark colour and end with a light colour. Other colours are intermediate colours, resulting in a gradient from dark to light. The colours depend on the active ggplot2 theme.

`ordinal_palette(5)` for `theme_inbo()`.

ordinal_palette(5) for theme_inbo().

`ordinal_palette(5)` with `theme_inbo()`.

ordinal_palette(5) with theme_inbo().

`ordinal_palette(5)` for `theme_vlaanderen2015()`.

ordinal_palette(5) for theme_vlaanderen2015().

`ordinal_palette(5)` with `theme_vlaanderen2015()`.

ordinal_palette(5) with theme_vlaanderen2015().

`ordinal_palette(5)` for `theme_elsevier()`.

ordinal_palette(5) for theme_elsevier().

`ordinal_palette(5)` with `theme_elsevier()`.

ordinal_palette(5) with theme_elsevier().

Named colours

INBO colours

inbo_named <- c(
  inbo_donkerblauw, inbo_munt, inbo_oranjerood, inbo_grijsblauw,
  inbo_lichtgroen, inbo_groen, inbo_lichtgrijs, inbo_kaki, inbo_felrood,
  inbo_steun_blauw, inbo_geelgr, inbo_steun_geelgroen, inbo_steun_donkerroos,
  inbo_donkergroen, inbo_oranje, inbo_geel, inbo_lichtblauw, inbo_hoofd,
  inbo_rood, inbo_grijs, inbo_bruinrood, inbo_oranje, inbo_groen
The available named colours for INBO.

The available named colours for INBO.

The named colours for INBO side by side.

The named colours for INBO side by side.

Flanders colours

vl_named <- c(
  vl_black, vl_darkblue, vl_darkbrown, vl_darkgreen, vl_darkred, vl_darkyellow,
  vl_grey1, vl_grey2, vl_grey3, vl_grey4, vl_grey5, vl_grey6, vl_grey7,
  vl_lightblue, vl_lightbrown, vl_lightgreen, vl_lightred, vl_yellow
The available named colours for Flanders.

The available named colours for Flanders.

The named colours for Flanders side by side.

The named colours for Flanders side by side.

Simulate effect of colour blindness on the perception of palettes


The actual palette for INBO.

The actual palette for INBO.

Agglomerative hierarchical clustering of colours based on their distance.

Agglomerative hierarchical clustering of colours based on their distance.

Simulation of deutan model of colour blindness.

Simulation of deutan model of colour blindness.

Simulation of protan model of colour blindness.

Simulation of protan model of colour blindness.

Simulation of tritan model of colour blindness.

Simulation of tritan model of colour blindness.

Desaturated colours.

Desaturated colours.


The actual palette for Flanders.

The actual palette for Flanders.

Agglomerative hierarchical clustering of colours based on their distance.

Agglomerative hierarchical clustering of colours based on their distance.

Simulation of deutan model of colour blindness.

Simulation of deutan model of colour blindness.

Simulation of protan model of colour blindness.

Simulation of protan model of colour blindness.

Simulation of tritan model of colour blindness.

Simulation of tritan model of colour blindness.

Desaturated colours.

Desaturated colours.


Simulation of deutan model of colour blindness.

Simulation of deutan model of colour blindness.

Simulation of protan model of colour blindness.

Simulation of protan model of colour blindness.

Simulation of tritan model of colour blindness.

Simulation of tritan model of colour blindness.

Desaturated colours.

Desaturated colours.

Named INBO colours

The actual named colours for INBO.

The actual named colours for INBO.

Agglomerative hierarchical clustering of colours based on their distance.

Agglomerative hierarchical clustering of colours based on their distance.

Simulation of deutan model of colour blindness.

Simulation of deutan model of colour blindness.

Simulation of protan model of colour blindness.

Simulation of protan model of colour blindness.

Simulation of tritan model of colour blindness.

Simulation of tritan model of colour blindness.

Desaturated colours.

Desaturated colours.

Named Flanders colours

The actual named colours for Flanders.

The actual named colours for Flanders.

Agglomerative hierarchical clustering of colours based on their distance.

Agglomerative hierarchical clustering of colours based on their distance.

Simulation of deutan model of colour blindness.

Simulation of deutan model of colour blindness.

Simulation of protan model of colour blindness.

Simulation of protan model of colour blindness.

Simulation of tritan model of colour blindness.

Simulation of tritan model of colour blindness.

Desaturated colours.

Desaturated colours.