Select locations that comply with user-specified conditions, from a dataset as returned by either get_chem or eval_chem. Conditions can be specified for each of the summary statistics returned by eval_chem.

  data_type = c("data", "summary"),
  chem_var = c("P-PO4", "N-NO3", "N-NO2", "N-NH4", "HCO3", "SO4", "Cl", "Na", "K", "Ca",
    "Mg", "Fe", "Mn", "Si", "Al", "CondF", "CondL", "pHF", "pHL"),
  verbose = TRUE,
  list = FALSE



An object as returned by either get_chem (the object corresponds to real 'data') or eval_chem (the object contains summary values).


A string. Either "data" (the default) or "summary", in correspondence with the choice made for data.


Only relevant when data is an object formatted as returned by get_chem. Is a character vector to select chemical variables for which statistics will be computed. To specify chemical variables, use the codes from the column chem_variable in data. Together with the available variables in data, chem_var determines the meaning of the variable "combined".


A dataframe. See the devoted section below.


Logical. If TRUE, give feedback on dropped locations because of (specific) unused conditions and other 'mismatch' reasons.


Logical. If FALSE (the default), the function only returns the end-result (a tibble with selected location codes). If TRUE, the function returns a list with the end-result plus useful intermediate results (see Value).


If list = FALSE: a tibble with one column loc_code that provides the locations selected by the conditions.

If list = TRUE: a list of tibbles that extends the previous end-result with intermediate results. All list elements are named:

  1. combined_result_filtered: the end-result, same as given by list = FALSE.

  2. result: the test result of each computed and tested statistic for each location and chemical variable: 'condition met' (cond_met) is TRUE or FALSE.

  3. combined_result: aggregation of result per location. Specific columns: all_cond_met is TRUE if all conditions for that location were TRUE, and is FALSE in all other cases. pct_cond_met is the percentage of 'met' availability conditions per location.


selectlocs_chem() separately runs eval_chem on the input (data) if data_type = "data". See the documentation of eval_chem to learn more about the available summary statistics. Each condition for evaluation + selection of locations is specific to a chemical variable, which can also be the level 'combined'. Hence, the result will depend both on the chemical variables for which statistics have been computed (specified by chem_var), and on the conditions, specified by conditions. See the devoted section on the conditions dataframe.

Only locations are returned:

  • which have all chemical variables, implied by chem_var and present in conditions, available in data. (In other words, all conditions must be testable.)

  • for which all conditions are met;

As the conditions imposed by the conditions dataframe are always evaluated as a required combination of conditions ('and'), the user must make different calls to selectlocs_chem() if different sets of conditions are to be allowed ('or').

If data_type = "data", selectlocs_chem() calls eval_chem. Its type and uniformity_test arguments are derived from the user-specified conditions dataframe.

selectlocs_chem() joins the long-formatted results of eval_chem with the conditions dataframe in order to evaluate the conditions. Often, this join in itself already leads to dropping specific combinations of loc_code and chem_variable. At least the locations that are completely dropped in this step are reported when verbose = TRUE.

The user may want to repeatedly try different sets of conditions until a satisfying selection of locations is returned. However the output of eval_chem will not change as long as the data are not altered. For that reason, the user can also feed the result of eval_chem() to the data argument, with data_type = "summary". In that case the argument chem_var is ignored.

Specification of the conditions dataframe

Conditions can be specified for each of the summary statistics returned by eval_chem.

The conditions parameter takes a dataframe that must have the following columns:


Can be any chemical variable code, including "combined".


Name of the statistic to be evaluated.


Numeric. Defines the value of the statistic on which the condition will be based.For condition testing on statistics of type 'date', provide the numeric date representation, i.e. the number of days since 1 Jan 1970 (older dates are negative). This can be easily calculated for a given 'datestring' (e.g. "18-5-2020") with: as.numeric(lubridate::dmy(datestring)).


One of: "min","max","equal". Together with criterion, this completes the condition which will be evaluated with respect to the specific chem_variable: for direction = "min", the statistic must be the criterion value or larger; for direction = "max", the statistic must be the criterion value or lower; for direction = "equal", the statistic must be equal to the criterion value.

Each condition is one row of the dataframe. The dataframe should have at least one, and may have many. Each combination of chem_variable and statistic must be unique. Conditions on chemical variables, absent from data or not implied by chem_var, will be dropped without warning. Hence, it is up to the user to do sensible things.

The possible statistics for conditions on chemical variables are documented by eval_chem.

See also


Other functions to select locations: selectlocs_xg3()


if (FALSE) {
watina <- connect_watina()
mylocs <- get_locs(watina, area_codes = "ZWA")
mydata <-
    mylocs %>%
    get_chem(watina, "1/1/2010")
mydata %>% arrange(loc_code, date, chem_variable)
mydata %>%
    pull(date) %>%
    lubridate::year(.) %>%
    (function(x) c(firstyear = min(x), lastyear = max(x)))

# to prepare a condition on 'firstdate', we need its numerical value:
conditions_df <-
        ~chem_variable, ~statistic, ~criterion, ~direction,
        "N-NO3", "nrdates", 2, "min",
        "P-PO4", "nrdates", 2, "min",
        "P-PO4", "firstdate", 16071, "max",
        "P-PO4", "timespan_years", 5, "min"
myresult <-
    mydata %>%
    selectlocs_chem(data_type = "data",
                    chem_var = c("N-NO3", "P-PO4"),
                    conditions = conditions_df,
                    list = TRUE)
# or:
# mystats <- eval_chem(mydata, chem_var = c("N-NO3", "P-PO4"))
# myresult <-
#   mystats %>%
#   selectlocs_chem(data_type = "summary",
#                   conditions = conditions_df,
#                   list = TRUE)

# An example based on numeric statistics:
conditions_df <-
        ~chem_variable, ~statistic, ~criterion, ~direction,
        "pHF", "val_mean", 5, "max",
        "CondF", "val_pct50", 100, "min"
mydata %>%
    selectlocs_chem(data_type = "data",
                    chem_var = c("pHF", "CondF"),
                    conditions = conditions_df)

# Disconnect: