Returns hydrochemical data from the Watina database, either as a lazy object or as a local tibble. The values must belong to selected locations and to a specified timeframe.

  enddate = paste(day(today()), month(today()), year(today())),
  conc_type = c("mass", "eq"),
  en_range = c(-0.1, 0.1),
  en_exclude_na = FALSE,
  en_fecond_threshold = 0.0023,
  collect = FALSE



A tbl_lazy object or a dataframe, with at least a column loc_code that defines the locations for which values are to be returned. Typically, this will be the object returned by get_locs.


A DBIConnection object to Watina. See connect_watina to generate one.


First date of the timeframe, as a string. The string must use a formatting of the order 'day month year', i.e. a format which can be interpreted by dmy.

Examples: "16-1-2005", "16-01-2005", "1-01-2005", "16/1/2005", "16/1/05", "16/1/88" (years 69 and higher are regarded as 19xy), "16/1-2005", "23 Oct 99", "23 Okt 99" (supposing this notation follows your system locale), "16 1-!!-2005", ......


Last date of the timeframe, as a string. The same formatting rule must be applied as in startdate. Defaults to a string representation of the current system date.


A string defining the type of concentration in ionic concentration variables. Either:

  • "mass": mass concentration (the default);

  • "eq": equivalent concentration (= normality), referring to the electrical charge of the dissolved ion's main natural form.

Note that the argument has no effect on the value of non-ion-variables.


Numeric vector of length 2. Specifies the allowed range of water sample electroneutrality for ion-variable measurements (see Details). Both vector elements must be within the range c(-1, 1), with the second element not being smaller than the first. Note that this argument only affects the selection of water samples for ionic concentration variables, not for non-ion variables such as pH and electrical conductivity. Measurements of non-ion variables are always returned.


Logical. Should ion-variable measurements of water samples with missing electroneutrality value be omitted? Defaults to FALSE. A missing electroneutrality value is the consequence of one or more missing values of ionic concentration variables that are needed for electroneutrality calculation of the water sample. Note that this argument has no effect on the selection of non-ion variable measurements, which are always returned.


A number (with a sensible default). May be set to NA or NULL by the user.

  • If en_fecond_threshold is a number (numeric scalar), all measurements from water samples with an iron (meq/l) / conductivity (µS/cm) ratio (Fe/CondL) equal to or larger than en_fecond_threshold are returned, regardless of the en_range and en_exclude_na arguments.

  • If en_fecond_threshold is set to NA or NULL, the iron / conductivity ratio is ignored. Hence, no exceptions are made to the conditions imposed by en_range and en_exclude_na (except for measurements of non-ion variables, which are always returned).


Should the data be retrieved as a local tibble? If FALSE (the default), a tbl_lazy object is returned (lazy query). Hence the result can be further built upon before retrieving data with collect().


By default, a tbl_lazy object. With collect = TRUE, a local tibble is returned.

(TO BE ADDED: Explanation on the variable names of the returned object)

(TO BE ADDED: Explanation on the different abbreviations in the column 'chem_variable')


The timeframe is a selection interval between a given startdate and enddate.

The water samples must meet a specified electroneutrality condition, set by en_range.

  • This condition is however ignored when the sample's iron (meq/l) / conductivity (µS/cm) ratio exceeds en_fecond_threshold (use en_fecond_threshold = NA if you don't want this to happen).

  • Further, water samples are included by default if their electroneutrality is NA (this is controlled by the en_exclude_na argument).

  • Finally, please note that measurements of non-ion variables are always returned!

To retrieve all data from all water samples, use en_range = c(-1, 1).

TO BE ADDED: What is electroneutrality and why is it used as a criterion?


Up to and including watina 0.3.0, the result was sorted according to loc_code, date and chem_variable, both for the lazy query and the collected result. Later versions avoid sorting in case of a lazy result, because otherwise, when using the result inside another lazy query, this led to 'ORDER BY' constructs in SQL subqueries, which must be avoided. If you like to print the lazy object in a sorted manner, you must add %>% arrange(...) yourself.

See also

Other functions to query the database: get_locs(), get_xg3()


if (FALSE) {
watina <- connect_watina()
mylocs <- get_locs(watina, area_codes = "ZWA")
mylocs %>%
    get_chem(watina, "1/1/2017") %>%
    arrange(loc_code, date, chem_variable)
mylocs %>%
    get_chem(watina, "1/1/2017", collect = TRUE)
mylocs %>%
    get_chem(watina, "1/1/2017", conc_type = "eq") %>%
    arrange(loc_code, date, chem_variable)

# compare the number of returned rows:
mylocs %>% get_chem(watina, "1/1/2017") %>% count
mylocs %>% get_chem(watina, "1/1/2017",
                    en_fecond_threshold = NA) %>% count
mylocs %>% get_chem(watina, "1/1/2017",
                    en_exclude_na = TRUE) %>% count
mylocs %>% get_chem(watina, "1/1/2017",
                    en_exclude_na = TRUE,
                    en_fecond_threshold = NA) %>% count
mylocs %>% get_chem(watina, "1/1/2017",
                    en_range = c(-1, 1)) %>% count

# joining results to mylocs:
mylocs %>%
get_chem(watina, "1/1/2017") %>%
    left_join(mylocs %>%
              .) %>%
    collect %>%
    arrange(loc_code, date, chem_variable)

# Disconnect: