Returns XG3 values from the Watina database, either as a lazy object or as a local tibble. The values must belong to selected locations and to a specified timeframe.

  endyear = year(now()) - 1,
  vert_crs = c("local", "ostend", "both"),
  truncated = TRUE,
  with_estimated = TRUE,
  collect = FALSE



A tbl_lazy object or a dataframe, with at least a column loc_code that defines the locations for which values are to be returned. Typically, this will be the object returned by get_locs.


A DBIConnection object to Watina. See connect_watina to generate one.


First hydroyear of the timeframe.


Last hydroyear of the timeframe.


A string, defining the 1-dimensional vertical coordinate reference system (CRS) of the XG3 water levels. Either "local" (the default, i.e. returned values are relative to soil surface level, with positive values = above soil surface), or "ostend" (values are from the CRS Ostend height (EPSG 5710), also known as 'TAW' or 'DNG'), or "both", where the values for both CRS options are returned. The units are always meters.


Logical. If TRUE (the default), the XG3 values are calculated after having set the underlying water level measurements that are above soil surface level to the soil surface level itself (which is zero in the case of the local CRS).


Logical. If TRUE (the default), the XG3 values calculations also use estimated (i.e. non-measured) water level data that are available in the database.


Should the data be retrieved as a local tibble? If FALSE (the default), a tbl_lazy object is returned (lazy query). Hence the result can be further built upon before retrieving data with collect().


By default, a tbl_lazy object. With collect = TRUE, a local tibble is returned.

(TO BE ADDED: Explanation on the variable names of the returned object)

The suffix of the XG3 variables is either "_lcl" for vert_crs = "local" or "_ost" for vert_crs = "ostend".


The timeframe is a selection interval between a given first and last hydroyear.

Note: the arguments truncated and with_estimated are currently not used. Currently, non-truncated values are returned, with usage of estimated values.

(TO BE ADDED: What are XG3 values? What is a hydroyear? Why truncate, and why truncate by default? When to choose which vert_crs?)


Up to and including watina 0.3.0, the result was sorted according to loc_code and hydroyear, both for the lazy query and the collected result. Later versions avoid sorting in case of a lazy result, because otherwise, when using the result inside another lazy query, this led to 'ORDER BY' constructs in SQL subqueries, which must be avoided. If you like to print the lazy object in a sorted manner, you must add %>% arrange(...) yourself.

See also

Other functions to query the database: get_chem(), get_locs()


if (FALSE) {
watina <- connect_watina()
mylocs <- get_locs(watina, area_codes = "KAL")
mylocs %>%
    get_xg3(watina, 2010) %>%
    arrange(loc_code, hydroyear)
mylocs %>% get_xg3(watina, 2010, collect = TRUE)
mylocs %>%
    get_xg3(watina, 2010, vert_crs = "ostend") %>%
    arrange(loc_code, hydroyear)

# joining results to mylocs:
mylocs %>%
    get_xg3(watina, 2010) %>%
    left_join(mylocs %>%
              .) %>%
    collect %>%
    arrange(loc_code, hydroyear)

# Disconnect: