Returns the raw data source watersurfaces (Leyssen et al., 2024) as a standardized sf polygon layer (tidyverse-styled, internationalized) in the Belgian Lambert 72 CRS (EPSG-code 31370).

  file = NULL,
  extended = FALSE,
  fix_geom = FALSE,
  version = c("watersurfaces_v2024", "watersurfaces_v1.2", "watersurfaces_v1.1",



Optional string. An absolute or relative file path of the data source. If left NULL, the default follows the data management advice in the vignette on data storage (run vignette("v020_datastorage")). It uses the first n2khab_data folder that is found when sequentially climbing up 0 to 10 levels in the file system hierarchy, starting from the working directory.


Logical. Should names or explanations of codes be added as extra variables in the result? Currently only applies to wfd_type and connectivity; if TRUE, the variables wfd_type_name and connectivity_name are added. Defaults to FALSE.


Logical. Should invalid or corrupt geometries be fixed in the resulting sf object in order to make them valid? This prevents potential problems in geospatial operations, but beware that fixed geometries are different from the original ones. sf::st_make_valid() is used to fix geometries (with GEOS as backend). Defaults to FALSE.


Version ID of the data source. Defaults to the latest available version defined by the package.


A Simple feature collection of type POLYGON, sorted by polygon_id, with the following variables (not mentioning extra 'name' variables for extended = TRUE):

  • polygon_id: code of the polygon;

  • wfd_code: optional; Flemish code of the water body with regard to the Water Framework Directive (WFD);

  • hyla_code: optional (only v1.2 and earlier); code of the watersurface according to the Flemish working group 'Hyla', a working group on amphibians & reptiles;

  • name: name of the watersurface;

  • area_name: name of the area;

  • wfd_type: type code according to the Flemish WFD typology (Denys, 2009);

  • wfd_type_alternative: alternative type code according to the Flemish WFD typology, in case there is a gradient between different types (only version 2024);

  • wfd_type_certain: Logical. Is there high confidence about the wfd_type determination?

  • depth_class: class of water depth;

  • connectivity: connectivity class;

  • usage: usage class;

  • water_level_management: water-level management class (only since v1.2).


If file is not specified, the function will try to read the file in the default folder for data storage (as described in the data management advice in the vignette (run vignette("v020_datastorage"))). If you want to use another file or file structure than the default data storage, you can specify your own file. In both cases: always make sure to specify the correct version, that is the version corresponding to the file (note that the version defaults to the latest version).

See Leyssen et al. (2024) for an elaborate explanation of the data source and its attributes.


  • Denys L. (2009). Een a posteriori typologie van stilstaande, zoete wateren in Vlaanderen. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek INBO.R.2009.34. Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek, Brussel.

  • Leyssen A., Scheers K., Packet J., Van Hecke F., Wils C. (2024). Watervlakken 2024: Polygonenkaart van stilstaand water in Vlaanderen. Uitgave 2024. Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek. doi:10.21436/inbor.114075267 .

See also

Other functions involved in processing the 'watersurfaces' data source: read_watersurfaces_hab()

Other functions returning environmental data sets: read_shallowgroundwater(), read_soilmap(), read_watercourse_100mseg()


if (FALSE) {
# This example supposes that your working directory or a directory up to 10
# levels above has the 'n2khab_data' folder AND that the latest version of
# the 'watersurfaces' data source is present in the default subdirectory.
# In all other cases, this example won't work but at least you can
# consider what to do.

ws <- read_watersurfaces()

ws_valid <- read_watersurfaces(fix_geom = TRUE)


ws2 <- read_watersurfaces(extended = TRUE)