Returns the included data source schemes as a tibble. Names and shortnames from namelist are added, in English by default.

  path = pkgdatasource_path("textdata/schemes", ".yml"),
  file = "schemes",
  file_namelist = "namelist",
  lang = "en"



Location of the data sources schemes and namelist. The default is to use the location of the data sources as delivered by the installed package.


The filename of the schemes data source, without extension. The default is to use the file delivered by the installed package.


The filename of the namelist data source, without extension. The default is to use the file delivered by the installed package.


An IETF BCP 47 language tag, such as "en" or "nl", to specify the language of names & shortnames to be returned in the tibble.


The schemes dataframe as a tibble, with names & shortnames added for scheme, programme, attributes and tags according to the lang argument. The tibble has 25 variables. See schemes for documentation of the data-source's contents. See namelist for the link between codes or other identifiers and the corresponding names (and shortnames).

The added names and shortnames are represented by the following variables:

  • scheme_name

  • scheme_shortname

  • programme_name

  • attribute_1_name

  • attribute_1_shortname

  • attribute_2_name

  • attribute_2_shortname

  • attribute_3_name

  • attribute_3_shortname

  • tag_1_name

  • tag_1_shortname

  • tag_2_name

  • tag_2_shortname

  • tag_3_name

  • tag_3_shortname

The added names and shortnames for scheme, programme and attributes are factors with their level order according to that of the scheme, programme or attribute variable.


schemes is a data source in the vc-format which provides a list of (monitoring) schemes for N2KHAB monitoring programmes or other N2KHAB projects, together with defining attributes and optional information. A 'scheme' refers to a monitoring or research setup that determines which types (habitat/RIBs) are to be investigated for a question or for a bunch of related questions.

read_schemes() reads the schemes data source, adds names + shortnames and returns it as a tibble. A tibble is a dataframe that makes working in the tidyverse a little easier. By default, the data version delivered with the package is used and English names (lang = "en") are returned for scheme, programme, attributes and tags.


read_schemes(lang = "nl")

See also


Other reading functions for n2khab-referencelists: read_env_pressures(), read_namelist(), read_scheme_types(), read_types()


#> # A tibble: 64 × 25
#>    scheme      scheme_name scheme_shortname programme programme_name attribute_1
#>    <fct>       <fct>       <fct>            <fct>     <fct>          <fct>      
#>  1 ATM_03.1    Atmospheri… ATM: 03.1_eutr_… MNE       Monitoring pr… ATM        
#>  2 ATM_04.1    Atmospheri… ATM: 04.1_acidi… MNE       Monitoring pr… ATM        
#>  3 ATM_08.1    Atmospheri… ATM: 08.1_poll_… MNE       Monitoring pr… ATM        
#>  4 ATM_101     Atmospheri… ATM: 101_clim_d… MNE       Monitoring pr… ATM        
#>  5 ATM_102     Atmospheri… ATM: 102_clim_w… MNE       Monitoring pr… ATM        
#>  6 GW_03.3     Groundwate… GW: 03.3_eutr_gw MNE       Monitoring pr… GW         
#>  7 GW_04.2     Groundwate… GW: 04.2_acidif… MNE       Monitoring pr… GW         
#>  8 GW_05.1_aq  Groundwate… GW: 05.1_des_gw… MNE       Monitoring pr… GW         
#>  9 GW_05.1_qu… Groundwate… GW: 05.1_des_gw… MNE       Monitoring pr… GW         
#> 10 GW_05.1_te… Groundwate… GW: 05.1_des_gw… MNE       Monitoring pr… GW         
#> # ℹ 54 more rows
#> # ℹ 19 more variables: attribute_2 <fct>, attribute_3 <fct>,
#> #   attribute_1_name <fct>, attribute_1_shortname <fct>,
#> #   attribute_2_name <fct>, attribute_2_shortname <fct>,
#> #   attribute_3_name <fct>, attribute_3_shortname <fct>,
#> #   spatial_restriction <chr>, notes <chr>, tag_1 <chr>, tag_2 <chr>,
#> #   tag_3 <chr>, tag_1_name <chr>, tag_1_shortname <chr>, tag_2_name <chr>, …
read_schemes(lang = "nl")
#> # A tibble: 64 × 25
#>    scheme      scheme_name scheme_shortname programme programme_name attribute_1
#>    <fct>       <fct>       <fct>            <fct>     <fct>          <fct>      
#>  1 ATM_03.1    Atmosferis… ATM: 03.1_eutr_… MNE       Monitoringpro… ATM        
#>  2 ATM_04.1    Atmosferis… ATM: 04.1_verzu… MNE       Monitoringpro… ATM        
#>  3 ATM_08.1    Atmosferis… ATM: 08.1_veron… MNE       Monitoringpro… ATM        
#>  4 ATM_101     Atmosferis… ATM: 101_klim_d… MNE       Monitoringpro… ATM        
#>  5 ATM_102     Atmosferis… ATM: 102_klim_n… MNE       Monitoringpro… ATM        
#>  6 GW_03.3     Grondwater… GW: 03.3_eutr_gw MNE       Monitoringpro… GW         
#>  7 GW_04.2     Grondwater… GW: 04.2_verzu_… MNE       Monitoringpro… GW         
#>  8 GW_05.1_aq  Grondwater… GW: 05.1_verdro… MNE       Monitoringpro… GW         
#>  9 GW_05.1_qu… Grondwater… GW: 05.1_verdro… MNE       Monitoringpro… GW         
#> 10 GW_05.1_te… Grondwater… GW: 05.1_verdro… MNE       Monitoringpro… GW         
#> # ℹ 54 more rows
#> # ℹ 19 more variables: attribute_2 <fct>, attribute_3 <fct>,
#> #   attribute_1_name <fct>, attribute_1_shortname <fct>,
#> #   attribute_2_name <fct>, attribute_2_shortname <fct>,
#> #   attribute_3_name <fct>, attribute_3_shortname <fct>,
#> #   spatial_restriction <chr>, notes <chr>, tag_1 <chr>, tag_2 <chr>,
#> #   tag_3 <chr>, tag_1_name <chr>, tag_1_shortname <chr>, tag_2_name <chr>, …