STEP 1: Update your code

Choose your option:

OPTION 1A: I’ll make a new branch to work with

Create a new topic branch from main

Make sure you are working on the main branch:

Update the main branch to make sure it is aligned with the remote main: Click Pull:

Create a new branch: click on New branch and fill in a branch name:

OPTION 1B: I already have a branch I want to continue working on:

Switch to existing topic branch:

Update the topic branch to make sure is is aligned with the remote main: In the Git shell, type:

git pull origin main


STEP 2.x: adapt in md, R-code,… (multiple times!)

Add new files

Stage the new file with checkbox and click Commit

Provide clear and understandable message about adaptations

Change files:

Stage the adaptations with checkbox and click Commit

Provide clear and understandable message about adaptations

STEP 3: Push your changes to GitHub.

Update the remote version of the topic branch. Click Push:


STEP 4: Pull request to add your changes to the current main.

Update the remote version of the topic branch. Click Push:

Go to your repo on and click the Compare & pull request button.

Add information about the Pull request, add reviewers, labels,… Finally, Create pull request:

STEP 5: Code review!

You and collaborators can make comments about the edits, review the code and adapt if required (create additional commits and Push them to GitHub) .

If everything is ok, click the Merge pull request:

followed by Confirm merge:

Delete the online branch after merge, since obsolete, click Delete branch

STEP 6: Update the main branch on my PC

Make sure you are working on the main branch:

Remove the local branch, since obsolete. In the Git shell, type:

git branch -d analysis-script

Update the local main branch: Click Pull: