Create plotlyreferences Returns a list shapes you can pass to the shapes argument of plotly::layout()

  reference = 0,
  colour = "black",
  line = FALSE,
  horizontal = TRUE



A vector of either 1 or 2 thresholds. A single threshold will be transformed into reference + c(-abs(threshold), abs(threshold)).


The null hypothesis. Defaults to 0.


The colour for the references. Defaults to "black".


display the threshold as a line (TRUE) or a ribbon (FALSE). Defaults to FALSE.


Display horizontal reference when TRUE (default). Display vertical reference when FALSE.

See also

Other plotly add-ons: add_classification(), add_fan(), reference_text()


# All possible classes
z <- data.frame(
  estimate = c(-0.5, 0, 0.5, 1.5, 1, 0.5, 0, -0.5, -1, -1.5),
  sd = c(rep(0.8, 3), rep(0.3, 7))
z$lcl <- qnorm(0.05, z$estimate, z$sd)
z$ucl <- qnorm(0.95, z$estimate, z$sd)
classification(z$lcl, z$ucl, threshold = 1) -> z$effect
  "?" = "unknown\neffect", "?+" = "potential\npositive\neffect",
  "?-" = "potential\nnegative\neffect", "~" = "no effect",
  "+" = "positive\neffect", "-" = "negative\neffect",
  "+~" = "moderate\npositive\neffect", "-~" = "moderate\nnegative\neffect",
  "++" = "strong\npositive\neffect", "--" = "strong\nnegative\neffect"
)[as.character(z$effect)] -> z$x
z$x <- factor(z$x, z$x)
z$display <- paste(
  "estimate:", format_ci(z$estimate, lcl = z$lcl, ucl = z$ucl)

# Simulated trend
base_year <- 2000
n_year <- 20
trend <- data.frame(
  dt = seq_len(n_year),
  change = rnorm(n_year, sd = 0.2),
  sd = rnorm(n_year, mean = 0.1, sd = 0.01)
trend$index <- cumsum(trend$change)
trend$lcl <- qnorm(0.025, trend$index, trend$sd)
trend$ucl <- qnorm(0.975, trend$index, trend$sd)
trend$year <- base_year + trend$dt
trend$display <- paste(
  "index:", format_ci(trend$index, lcl = trend$lcl, ucl = trend$ucl)
th <- 0.25
ref <- 0
plot_ly(z, x = ~x, y = ~estimate) |>
  add_fan(sd = ~sd, text = ~display) |>
  add_classification(lcl = ~lcl, ucl = ~ucl, threshold = 1) |>
    hovermode = "x unified",
    shapes = reference_shape(threshold = 1),
    annotations = reference_text(threshold = 1)
plot_ly(z, x = ~x, y = ~estimate) |> add_fan(sd = ~sd, step = 0.1, text = ~display) |> add_classification( lcl = ~lcl, ucl = ~ucl, threshold = 1, detailed = FALSE ) |> layout( shapes = reference_shape(threshold = 1, line = TRUE), annotations = reference_text(threshold = 1) )
plot_ly(z, x = ~x, y = ~estimate) |> add_fan(sd = ~sd, step = 0.2, hoverinfo = "none") |> add_classification( lcl = ~lcl, ucl = ~ucl, threshold = 1, signed = FALSE ) |> layout(shapes = reference_shape(threshold = 1))
plot_ly(z, x = ~x, y = ~estimate) |> add_fan(sd = ~sd, step = 0.3) |> add_classification( lcl = ~lcl, ucl = ~ucl, threshold = 1, detailed = FALSE, signed = FALSE, text = ~display ) |> layout( shapes = reference_shape(threshold = 1, line = TRUE) )
# trend plot_ly(data = trend, x = ~year, y = ~index) |> add_fan(sd = ~sd, text = ~display, hoverinfo = "text") |> add_classification(sd = ~sd, threshold = th) |> layout( hovermode = "x unified", hoverdistance = 1, shapes = reference_shape(threshold = th, reference = ref), annotations = reference_text(threshold = th, reference = ref) )