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Gets the (unique) scientific names and associated taxonomic information from the observations of a Camera Trap Data Package object. Duplicate taxa (i.e. with the same scientificName) are removed, retaining the taxon with (first) a taxonID and (second) the most taxonomic information.





Camera Trap Data Package object, as returned by read_camtrapdp().


A tibble::tibble() data frame with the taxonomic information, containing at least a scientificName column.

See also

Other accessor functions: deployments(), events(), individuals(), locations(), media(), observations()


x <- example_dataset()
#> # A tibble: 10 × 5
#>    scientificName     taxonID  taxonRank vernacularNames.eng vernacularNames.nld
#>    <chr>              <chr>    <chr>     <chr>               <chr>              
#>  1 Anas platyrhynchos https:/… species   mallard             wilde eend         
#>  2 Anas strepera      https:/… species   gadwall             krakeend           
#>  3 Ardea              https:/… genus     great herons        reigers            
#>  4 Ardea cinerea      https:/… species   grey heron          blauwe reiger      
#>  5 Aves               https:/… class     bird sp.            vogel              
#>  6 Homo sapiens       https:/… species   human               mens               
#>  7 Martes foina       https:/… species   beech marten        steenmarter        
#>  8 Mustela putorius   https:/… species   European polecat    bunzing            
#>  9 Rattus norvegicus  https:/… species   brown rat           bruine rat         
#> 10 Vulpes vulpes      https:/… species   red fox             vos