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deployments() gets the deployments from a Camera Trap Data Package object.

deployments<-() is the assignment equivalent.

  • It should only be used within other functions, where the expected data structure can be guaranteed.

  • Metadata (x$spatial and x$temporal) are updated to match the assigned deployments.



deployments(x) <- value



Camera Trap Data Package object, as returned by read_camtrapdp().


A data frame to assign as deployments.


A tibble::tibble() data frame with deployments.

See also

Other accessor functions: events(), individuals(), locations(), media(), observations(), taxa()


x <- example_dataset()
# Get deployments
#> # A tibble: 4 × 24
#>   deploymentID locationID locationName  latitude longitude coordinateUncertainty
#>   <chr>        <chr>      <chr>            <dbl>     <dbl>                 <dbl>
#> 1 00a2c20d     e254a13c   B_HS_val 2_p…     51.5      4.77                   187
#> 2 29b7d356     2df5259b   B_DL_val 5_b…     51.2      5.66                   187
#> 3 577b543a     ff1535c0   B_DL_val 3_d…     51.2      5.66                   187
#> 4 62c200a9     ce943ced   B_DM_val 4_'…     50.7      4.01                   187
#> # ℹ 18 more variables: deploymentStart <dttm>, deploymentEnd <dttm>,
#> #   setupBy <chr>, cameraID <chr>, cameraModel <chr>, cameraDelay <dbl>,
#> #   cameraHeight <dbl>, cameraDepth <dbl>, cameraTilt <dbl>,
#> #   cameraHeading <dbl>, detectionDistance <dbl>, timestampIssues <lgl>,
#> #   baitUse <lgl>, featureType <fct>, habitat <chr>, deploymentGroups <chr>,
#> #   deploymentTags <chr>, deploymentComments <chr>

# Set deployments (not recommended outside a function)
deployments(x) <- head(deployments(x), 1)