as_points is a convenience function which accepts as input a dataframe with X/Y coordinates (in meters), assumed to come from the coordinate reference system (CRS) 'Belge 1972 / Belgian Lambert 72' (EPSG 31370). It converts the dataframe into an sf points object in the same CRS.

as_points(df, xvar = "x", yvar = "y", remove = FALSE, warn_dupl = TRUE)



A dataframe with X and Y coordinates in meters, assumed to be in the Belgian Lambert 72 CRS (EPSG-code 31370).


String. The X coordinate variable name. Defaults to "x".


String. The Y coordinate variable name. Defaults to "y".


Logical. Should the X and Y coordinates be removed from the dataframe after conversion to a spatial object?


Logical. Defaults to TRUE. Should the user be warned when duplicated coordinates are present in the result?


An sf object of geometry type POINT with EPSG-code 31370 as coordinate reference system.


As locations in Watina are typically defined by their X/Y coordinates, this function eases the conversion to spatial data. To later remove all spatial information from the result, you can use sf::st_drop_geometry().


mydata <-
    a = runif(5),
    x = rnorm(5, 155763, 5),
    y = rnorm(5, 132693, 5)
#> Simple feature collection with 5 features and 3 fields
#> Geometry type: POINT
#> Dimension:     XY
#> Bounding box:  xmin: 155758.3 ymin: 132685.4 xmax: 155766.7 ymax: 132702.8
#> Projected CRS: BD72 / Belgian Lambert 72
#> # A tibble: 5 × 4
#>         a       x       y            geometry
#> *   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>         <POINT [m]>
#> 1 0.0808  155763. 132689. (155762.6 132688.7)
#> 2 0.834   155760. 132685. (155760.2 132685.4)
#> 3 0.601   155767. 132703. (155766.7 132702.8)
#> 4 0.157   155758. 132695. (155758.3 132695.3)
#> 5 0.00740 155761. 132689. (155760.7 132688.7)