====== pywhip ====== ---- The pywhip package is a Python package to validate data against `whip specifications`_, a human and machine-readable syntax to express specifications for data. .. _`whip specifications`: https://github.com/inbo/whip .. image:: https://mybinder.org/badge.svg :target: https://mybinder.org/v2/gh/inbo/pywhip/master?filepath=notebooks%2Fwhip_csv_data.ipynb The short story ================== Pywhip is used to validate a data set: :: eventDate individualCount country 2018-01-03 5 BA 2018-04-02 20 NL 2016-07-06 3300 BE 2017-03-02 2 BE 1018-01-08 1 NL against a set of `whip specifications`_: .. _`whip specifications`: https://github.com/inbo/whip :: country: allowed: [BE, NL] eventDate: dateformat: '%Y-%m-%d' mindate: 2016-01-01 maxdate: 2018-12-31 individualCount: numberformat: x # needs to be an integer value min: 1 max: 100 to get a whip validator report: .. raw:: html and celebrate or despair... Table of Contents ================== .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 installation tutorial reference contributing history authors Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`