Source code for pywhip.pywhip

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import os
import csv
from datetime import datetime
from collections import Mapping, Sequence
from pkg_resources import resource_filename

from import DwCAReader
from cerberus import SchemaError
from jinja2 import FileSystemLoader, Environment

from .validators import DwcaValidator, WhipErrorHandler
from .reporters import SpecificationErrorHandler

[docs]def whip_dwca(dwca_zip, specifications, maxentries=None): """Whip a Darwin Core Archive Validate the core file of a `Darwin Core Archive`_ zipped data set, using the :class:`` reading and iterator capabilities. .. _Darwin Core Archive: Parameters ---------- dwca_zip : str Filename of the zipped Darwin Core Archive. specifications : dict Valid specifications whip dictionary schema. maxentries : int Define the limit of records to validate from the Archive, useful to have a quick set on the frst subset of data. Returns ------- whip_it : pywhip.pywhi.Whip Whip validator clasc instance, containing the errors and reporting capabilities. """ # Extract data header - only core support with DwCAReader(dwca_zip) as dwca: field_names = [field['term'].split('/')[-1] for field in dwca.core_file.file_descriptor.fields] # Apply whip whip_it = Whip(specifications) whip_it._whip(whip_it.generate_dwca(dwca_zip), field_names, maxentries) return whip_it
[docs]def whip_csv(csv_file, specifications, delimiter, maxentries=None): """Whip a CSV-like file Validate a CSV file, using the :class:`CSV <python3:csv.DictReader>` reading and iterator capabilities of the Python standard library. Parameters ---------- csv_file : str Filename of the CSV file to whip validate. specifications : dict Valid specifications whip dictionary schema. delimiter : str A one-character string used to separate fields, e.g. ``','``. maxentries : int Define the limit of records to validate from the Archive, useful to have a quick set on the frst subset of data. Returns ------- whip_it : pywhip.pywhi.Whip Whip validator class instance, containing the errors and reporting capabilities. """ # Extract data header with open(csv_file, "r") as dwc: reader = csv.DictReader(dwc, delimiter=delimiter) field_names = reader.fieldnames # Apply whip whip_it = Whip(specifications) whip_it._whip(whip_it.generate_csv(csv_file, delimiter), field_names, maxentries) return whip_it
[docs]class Whip(object): """Whip document validation class Validates (multiple row) documents against a whip specification schema using the high-level functions ``whip_...`` and creates a validation report with the :meth:`~pywhip.pywhip.Whip.get_report` method. Attributes ---------- sample_size : int Number of value-examples to use in reporting schema : dict Whip specification schema, consisting of `field : constraint` combinations validation : pywhip.validators.DwcaValidator A :class:`~pywhip.validators.DwcaValidator` class instance. _report : dict Base report container to collect document errors. Errors are collected in the ['results']['specified_fields'] values, having a :class:`~pywhip.reporters.SpecificationErrorHandler` for each field-specification combination. """ def __init__(self, schema, sample_size=10): """ Parameters ---------- schema : dict Whip specification schema, consisting of `field : constraint` combinations. sample_size : int For each of the field-rules combinations, the (top) number of data value samples/examples to include in the report. """ if not isinstance(schema, dict): raise SchemaError("Input schema need to be dictionary") self._schema = schema self._sample_size = sample_size # setup a DwcaValidator instance self.validation = DwcaValidator(self.schema, error_handler=WhipErrorHandler) self._report = {'executed_at': None, 'errors': [], 'results': { 'total_rows': 0, 'passed_rows': 0, 'failed_rows': 0, 'passed_row_ids': [], 'warnings': [], 'unspecified_fields': None, 'unknown_fields': None, 'specified_fields': {} } } self._total_row_count = 0 @property def schema(self): return self._schema @property def sample_size(self): return self._sample_size
[docs] def get_report(self, format='json'): """Collect errors into reporting format (json/html) Converts the logged errors into a json or html style report. Parameters ---------- format : json | html Define the output format the report is used. Returns ------- str """ if format == 'json': return self._report elif format == 'html': return self.create_html()
@staticmethod def format_if_rule(rule, number): """Support to build if-based-rules in report Parameters ---------- rule : str A whip specification rule. number : int The counter of the if-statements used in the whip specification, counter starts at 1. """ return '{}_if_{}'.format(rule, number) @staticmethod def format_delimited_rule(rule): """Support to build delimitedvalues-based-rules in report Parameters ---------- rule : str A whip specification rule. """ return '{}_delimitedvalue'.format(rule) @staticmethod def clean_constraint(constraint): """Clean constraint for reports Parameters ---------- constraint : str The constraint as defined in the whip specification. """ if isinstance(constraint, list): return ', '.join([str(el) for el in constraint]) else: return str(constraint) def _extract_schema_blueprint(self, schema): """Extract fields and rules from schema For scopes if and delimitedvalues, the function need to extract the inner-rules from the scope and combine it with the if/delimitedvalue to ahve unique specification names. A delimitedvalues is providioned as well for generl delimitedvalues errors Parameters ---------- schema : dict Whip specification schema. """ schema_layout = {} for field, rules in schema.items(): schema_layout[field] = {} for rule, conditions in rules.items(): if rule == 'if': for j, condition in enumerate(conditions): # TODO: exclude to general schema-def on init validator if 'empty' not in condition.keys(): condition['empty'] = False for subrule, constraint in condition.items(): if subrule in self.validation.rules: schema_layout[field][self.format_if_rule( subrule, j+1)] = \ SpecificationErrorHandler( self.clean_constraint(constraint)) elif rule == 'delimitedvalues': schema_layout[field][rule] = SpecificationErrorHandler("") for subrule, constraint in conditions.items(): if subrule != 'delimiter': schema_layout[field][self.format_delimited_rule( subrule)] = SpecificationErrorHandler( self.clean_constraint(constraint)) else: schema_layout[field][rule] = \ SpecificationErrorHandler( self.clean_constraint(conditions)) return schema_layout def _conditional_fields(self, file_fields): """Extract the field names mentioned inside if conditions When fields are mentioned inside if statements, but not present in the data, this should raise a preliminar warning/message as part of the reporting Parameters ---------- file_fields : list | set List of the field names present in the input data file. """ conditional_fields = [] for _, specs in self.schema.items(): if 'if' in specs.keys(): if_rules = specs['if'] # single if statement if isinstance(if_rules, Mapping): conditional_fields += [key for key in if_rules.keys() if isinstance(if_rules[key], dict)] # multiple ifs combined elif isinstance(if_rules, Sequence): for rule in if_rules: conditional_fields += ([key for key in rule.keys() if isinstance(rule[key], dict)]) else: raise SchemaError if not set(conditional_fields).issubset(set(file_fields)): missing_if_fields = list(set(conditional_fields).difference( set(file_fields))) self._report['results']['warnings'].append( "Following fields mentioned inside if specifications do not " "exist inside the document: '{}'".format( ', '.join(missing_if_fields))) def _compare_fields(self, file_fields): """Compare data fields and specifications Compare the fields mentioned by the specifications schema and the data set and update thereport attributes on unvalidated and missing fields Parameters ---------- file_fields : list | set List of the field names present in the input data file """ try: file_fields = set(file_fields) except TypeError: raise TypeError self._report['results']['unspecified_fields'] = list( file_fields.difference(set(self.schema.keys()))) self._report['results']['unknown_fields'] = list(set( self.schema.keys()).difference(file_fields)) def _whip(self, input_generator, field_names, maxentries=None): """Validate whip specifications on the input For each entry of the input generator (which can be limited using the ``maxentries`` parameter, the validation is recording the errors. At the end, the :attr:`~pywhip.pywhip.Whip._report` attribute is updated with the error logs and other relevant metadata. Parameters ---------- input_generator : iterator An iterator, yielding `field : value` combinations of the document on each iteration. field_names : list | set List of the field names present in the input data file. maxentries : int Define the limit of records to validate from the Archive, useful to have a quick set on the frst subset of data. """ # preliminar checks self._compare_fields(field_names) self._conditional_fields(field_names) # prepare object to save errors specified_fields = self._extract_schema_blueprint(self.schema) passed_row_ids = [] # validate each row and log the errors for each row for j, row in enumerate(input_generator): row_id = j + 1 self.validation.validate(row) # apply specification rules if len(self.validation.errors) > 0: for error in self.validation._errors: field = error.field if error.is_group_error: # if/delimitedvalues if error.rule == 'if': for child_error in error.child_errors: number = str(int(child_error.field.split( '_')[-1]) + 1) rule = self.format_if_rule( child_error.rule, number) message = self.validation.schema.validator.\ error_handler._format_message(field, child_error) specified_fields[field][rule][( child_error.value, message)].add(row_id) elif error.rule == 'delimitedvalues': for child_error in error.child_errors: rule = self.format_delimited_rule(child_error.rule) message = self.validation.schema.validator.\ error_handler._format_message(field, child_error) specified_fields[field][rule][( child_error.value, message)].add(row_id) else: NotImplementedError else: message = self.validation.schema.validator.\ error_handler._format_message(field, error) specified_fields[field][error.rule][(error.value, message)].add(row_id) else: passed_row_ids.append(row_id) if maxentries: if j >= maxentries-1: break # fill report TODO: exclude his from in-function adapts to attributes self._total_row_count = j + 1 self._report['results']['total_rows'] = self._total_row_count self._report['results']['passed_row_ids'] = passed_row_ids self._report['results']['passed_rows'] = len(passed_row_ids) self._report['results']['failed_rows'] = self._total_row_count - len(passed_row_ids) self._report['executed_at'] ="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") self._report['results']['specified_fields'] = \ self._report_specified_fields(specified_fields, self._total_row_count, self.sample_size) self._isitgreat() # TODO: add generator function and dict-searches to query errors def _isitgreat(self): """check if there are any errors recorded""" if self._report['results']['failed_rows'] == 0: print("Hooray, your dataset complies with the specifications!") else: print('Your dataset does not comply with the specifications, ' 'use get_report() for more detailed information.') @staticmethod def generate_dwca(dwca_zip): """Darwin core archive generator Yields `field : value` combinations of the document on each iteration, corresponding to individual rows of the data file. Parameters ---------- dwca_zip : str Filename of the zipped Darwin Core Archive. Yields ------ document : dict Provides a single line document values (as dict values) and field names (as dict keys). """ with DwCAReader(dwca_zip) as dwca: for row in dwca: document = {k.split('/')[-1]: v for k, v in} yield document @staticmethod def generate_csv(csv_file, delimiter): """CSV File generator Yields `field : value` combinations of the document on each iteration, corresponding to individual rows of the data file. Parameters ---------- csv_file : str Filename of the CSV file to whip validate. delimiter : str A one-character string used to separate fields, e.g. ``','``. Yields ------ document : dict Provides a single line document values (as dict values) and field names (as dict keys). """ with open(csv_file, "r") as dwc: reader = csv.DictReader(dwc, delimiter=delimiter) for document in reader: yield document @staticmethod def _report_specified_fields(specified_fields, nrows, nsample): """Transform the data objects to report objects Parameters ---------- specified_fields : dict Dictionary with a `~pywhip.reporters.SpecificationErrorHandler` object for each field-specification combination. nrows : int Total rows of the current document working with, used to calculate passed rows as well nsample : int Number of samples (ordered on the number of rows) to retain for reporting purposes """ for field, rules in specified_fields.items(): for rule, error_report in rules.items(): specified_fields[field][rule] = \ specified_fields[field][rule].build_error_report(nrows, nsample) return specified_fields
[docs] def create_html(self): """Build html using template Returns ------- str """ path = "./static/template.html" html_template_path = resource_filename(__name__, path) env = Environment(loader=FileSystemLoader( os.path.dirname(html_template_path))) template = env.get_template(os.path.basename(html_template_path)) html = template.render(report=self._report) return str(html)