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Project Status: Active – The project has reached a stable, usable state and is being actively developed. lifecycle Licence minimal R version codecov


The inlatools package provides a set of function which can be useful to diagnose INLA models.

  • calculate Pearson residuals
  • simulation based checks for over- or underdispersion
  • simulation based checks for the distribution
  • visualise the effect of the variance or precision on random effects
    • random intercept
    • first order random walk
    • second order random walk


ip <- rownames(installed.packages())
if (!"remotes" %in% ip) {
if (!"INLA" %in% ip) {
    repos = c(getOption("repos"), "")


All documentation is available at the package website: This website contains an overview of all available functions. Click on the name the function to open the corresponding help file. The vignettes illustrate

Folder structure

  • R: The source scripts of the R functions with documentation in Roxygen format
  • man: The helpfile in Rd format
  • test: unit tests using the testthat framework
  • vignettes: the source code of the vignettes
├── man
├── R
├─┬ tests
│ └── testthat
└── vignettes