This function takes as input (part of) a taxon trait name, queries the florabank and returns the taxon trait values in a tidy data format

get_florabank_traits(connection, trait_name, collect = FALSE)



A connection to the florabank database. See the example section for how to connect and disconnect to the database.


A (part of) a trait name for which you want to get the associated taxon-specific trait values. If this is missing, the function returns an error and prints a message showing all possible trait names.


If FALSE (the default), a remote tbl object is returned. This is like a reference to the result of the query but the full result of the query is not brought into memory. If TRUE the full result of the query is collected (fetched) from the database and brought into memory of the working environment.


A remote tbl object (collect = FALSE) or a tibble dataframe (collect = TRUE) containing the trait values for each species and for all partially matched traits. The dataframe contains the variables TaxonID, TaxonCode, NaamWetenschappelijk, NaamNederlands, Kenmerk, KenmerkCode, Omschrijving, Rekenwaarde, Bron and ExtraOmschrijving. The first four variables identify the taxon, the latter six variables relate to the taxon traits.


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# connect to florabank
db_connectie <- connect_inbo_dbase("D0152_00_Flora")

# get all Ellenberg values via partial matching, return as lazy query
fb_ellenberg <- get_florabank_traits(db_connectie, "llenberg")
# collect the data
fb_ellenberg <- fb_ellenberg %>% collect()
# the same can be done by using the collect parameter
fb_ellenberg <-
  get_florabank_traits(db_connectie, "llenberg", collect = TRUE)

# get all red lists via partial matching
fb_rodelijsten <- get_florabank_traits(db_connectie, "rode")

# get only the red list for vascular plant species
fb_rodelijstvaatplanten <-
  get_florabank_traits(db_connectie, "Rode lijst Vaatplanten")

#if the trait_name argument is missing, a list of possible names is printed

#disconnect from florabank
} # }