This function calculates statistics for the given data (e.g. from the git-repository forresdat) on the specified level (e.g. forest_reserve, period and species) and for the specified variables (e.g. basal_area and volume). Calculated statistics include number of observations, mean, variance and confidence interval (lci and uci).

These summary statistics are calculated on the given data, not taking into account absence of observations unless explicitly added as a record with value zero. E.g. if a certain species only occurs in 3 plots out of 10 and no records are added for the 7 remaining plots, the summary statistics (e.g. mean coverage) are calculated on 3 plots. Records with value zero for certain variables (e.g. coverage of a certain species or number of trees for a certain diameter class) can automatically be added using the function add_zeros().

  level = c("period", "forest_reserve"),
  include_year_range = FALSE



dataset with data to be summarised with at least columns year and period, e.g. table from git repository forresdat


grouping variables that determine on which level the values should be calculated (e.g. forest_reserve, year and species), given as a string or a vector of strings. Defaults to forest_reserve & period.


variable(s) of which summary statistics should be calculated (given as a string or a vector of strings)


Should min_year and max_year be calculated based on a given column year in dataset? Defaults to FALSE.


dataframe with the columns chosen for level, a column variable with the chosen variables, and the columns n_obs, mean, variance, lci (lower limit of confidence interval) and uci (upper limit of confidence interval)


if (FALSE) {
#change path before running
dendro_by_plot <-
  read_forresdat(tablename = "dendro_by_plot", repo_path = "C:/gitrepo/forresdat")
  dataset = dendro_by_plot,
  level = c("forest_reserve", "period"),
  variables = "vol_alive_m3_ha"
dendro_by_diam_plot_species <-
  read_forresdat(tablename = "dendro_by_diam_plot_species", repo_path = "C:/gitrepo/forresdat")
  dataset = dendro_by_diam_plot_species,
  level = c("forest_reserve", "year", "species", "dbh_class_5cm"),
  variables = c("basal_area_alive_m2_ha", "basal_area_dead_m2_ha")
vegetation_by_plot <-
  read_forresdat(tablename = "vegetation_by_plot", repo_path = "C:/gitrepo/forresdat")
create_statistics(dataset = vegetation_by_plot, level = c("forest_reserve", "period"),
  variables = c("number_of_species", "cumm_herb_coverage_class_average_perc"))