This function allows the user to download all media related to a Agouti - sequence which matches the given parameters.
download_seq_media(dataset, seqID, favorite = FALSE, outputfolder = NULL)
character string, path to the folder where a camptraptor datapackage has been unzipped.
character string, ID of the sequence to download media from
boolean, do you only want the pretty pictures?
character string, path where the function should download the media into
Downloads the specified media files into the outputfolder
If you are getting an Authorization Error (#403), this probably means your Agouti project has Restrict Images on. This needs to be turned off.
Other download:
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
drg <- fistools::drg_example
# Situation 1: download whole sequence
download_seq_media(dataset = drg,
seqID = "f4c049d2-d42f-4cd3-a951-fd485ed0279a")
# Situation 2: download only favorited species media within sequence
download_seq_media(dataset = drg,
seqID = "f4c049d2-d42f-4cd3-a951-fd485ed0279a",
favorite = TRUE)
} # }