Mapping INBO color ring data to SOVON format
1 Intro
This document contains and describes all the steps in mapping INBO color ring data to SOVON format. By running this document in R, it will create all the necessary data files. Settings to access INBO database are necessary.
Load libraries:
library(DBI) # To connect to database
library(odbc) # To connect to database
library(tidyverse) # To do datascience
library(tidylog) # To provide feedback on dplyr functions
library(tidyselect) # To select columns smartly
library(measurements) # To convert measurement units
library(here) # To find files
library(lubridate) # To ease working with dates
The output of the data processing consists of three dataframes saved as comma separated files (csv
) in folder data/processed/
: user data (not loaded to GitHub for privacy reasons)crbirding_birds
: ring datacrbirding_observations
: observation data