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Transforms a Camera Trap Data Package object to a Darwin Core Archive.


write_dwc(x, directory)



Camera Trap Data Package object, as returned by read_camtrapdp().


Path to local directory to write files to.


CSV and meta.xml files written to disk. And invisibly, a list of data frames with the transformed data.

Transformation details

This function follows recommendations in Reyserhove et al. (2023) doi:10.35035/doc-0qzp-2x37 and transform data to:

Key features of the Darwin Core transformation:

  • The Occurrence core contains one row per observation (dwc:occurrenceID = observationID).

  • Only observations with observationType = "animal" and observationLevel = "event" are included, thus excluding observations that are (of) humans, vehicles, blanks, unknowns, unclassified and media-based.

  • Observations classified by humans with 100% certainty get a dwc:identificationVerificationStatus = "verified using recorded media".

  • Deployment information is included in the Occurrence core, such as location, habitat, dwc:samplingProtocol, deployment duration in dwc:samplingEffort and dwc:parentEventID = deploymentID as grouping identifier.

  • Event information is included in the Occurrence core, as event duration in dwc:eventDate and dwc:eventID = eventID as grouping identifier.

  • Media files are included in the Audubon/Audiovisual Media Description extension, with a foreign key to the observation. A media file that is used for more than one observation is repeated.

  • Metadata are used to set the following record-level terms:

    • dwc:datasetID: x$id.

    • dwc:datasetName: x$title.

    • dwc:collectionCode: first source in x$sources.

    • dcterms:license: license name (e.g. CC0-1.0) in x$licenses with scope data. The license name with scope media is used as dcterms:rights in the Audubon Media Description extension.

    • dcterms:rightsHolder: first contributor in x$contributors with role rightsHolder.

    • dwc:dataGeneralizations: set if x$coordinatePrecision is defined.

See also

Other transformation functions: merge_camtrapdp(), round_coordinates(), shift_time(), write_eml()


x <- example_dataset()
write_dwc(x, directory = "my_directory")
#> ── Transforming data to Darwin Core ──
#> ── Writing files ──

# Clean up (don't do this if you want to keep your files)
unlink("my_directory", recursive = TRUE)